A group of hikers see a series of flickering lights on the horizon. They follow them and discover something startling when they reach the source.
The hike.
"We are almost there." said Mike almost dropping his lantern.
"I hope your right." said Kayla
"Can we take a break?" replied Zach out of breath.
They have been hiking for more then 5 hours with no break. They could only take one item each since it was a long time away.
"We are here." said Mike
"Finally." said Kayla running toward the campsite. Zach did not say anything, instead he dropped and fell right asleep. Soon Kayla and Mike fell asleep in the tent.
When they woke up they went to go see Zach, but he wasn't there. They figured he went in a tent, they checked every tent. Nothing. Where did he go?
"Maybe he went to get food?" said Kayla.
"Where? There is no streams anywhere near here." said Mike nervously.
"Well, lets look around he couldn't have gone that far." said Kayla starting to walk.
"Who knows what time he left? He could be in canada right now." Mike's voice went higher so she could hear.
"Stay positive." screamed Kayla
After hours of looking they still could not find him. He was gone. Who knows where he was.
It was eventually night and no light source anywhere. They had to sleep in the woods.
"Goodnight." said Kayla, you could hear she was crying with the pitch in her voice.
"Dont worry Kayla, we can keep looking tomorrow." said Mike trying to dtay positive.
"Yu-" Kayla was cut off by A light source. How could there be light they were in thr middle of the woods.
"You saw that too, right?" Mike said making sure he was not going crazy.
"Yes." Kayla whispered
"We should go see what is is." Mike said, starting to walk forwards.
"Hell no, who knows what that is." Kayla says stepping back.
"It could be Zach." Mike kept walking.
Soon Kayla gives in and they starts walking towards the light.
"Hopefully we dont die." said Kayla.
No answer.
Suddenly she heard A scream. Mike. She ran and when she got there she saw something. It was a black figure smiling and laughing.
"Hello, Kayla." said the figure