Write a poem continuing or responding to a poem of your choice.

You can either pick a famous poem or a poem you’ve written yourself to write a sequel/response to.

Halfway Up That Hill

(AHH 100 WRITINGS!!!! Some might know, but this is a response to ‘The Hill We Climb’ by Amanda Gorman.)

When night came,

I asked myself,

The exact same questions

You’re asking now.

I’m not that smart

So don’t trust my words

But I can’t see the light

Is it really there?

Being American is having to live

With the shitty things our ancestors did

And while florida is trying to rewrite the past,

Us poets are the ones who will outlast.

We try to tell the truth,

From our point of view.

Because when I grieved I never grew,

So now all I wish, is the pain to undo.

We won’t step out of the shade unafraid,

Because the history will still be there

Same with the violence, both then and now

No, we’re not unafraid,

but I’m sure aflame with anger and pain.

We’ve come far

But there’s farther to go.

Like you wrote,

I want to try and merge,

Merge mercy with might

And might with right

Because then maybe we’ll catch,

a glimpse of the light.

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