Her Life Story

She walked in, her shoes filled with sand. She started to explore the house some more.

“This is where I grew up,”She thought “And now it is filled with sand.” She thought.

She went up the stairs, to her old bedroom. The girl starts walking around and looking at old memories. She picks up a old photo and stares at it for a few minutes.

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door.

“Who could that be? This place is abandoned.” The girl thinks with all her memories coming back.

She goes back downstairs and looks out the window by the front door. No one is there.

So she goes back upstairs to fill her head with memories. She is up there for about 5 minutes when the same knock comes from the door again.

Two slow ones knock, knock, then two fast ones, knock-knock.

The girl goes back down the stairs and this time stops short of the door.

It is wide open. She stares at it in terror. There is a guy standing yards away from the house staring right back at her. Sand is rushing in. Then, the guy starts sprinting to the door. She slams the door right before the guys could slip in. She puts her back towards the dorr and slides down it until she is at the ground.

Then she realizes, “Wait, how did I get here?”

A scream wails through the house, but no one else can hear it. ❤️‍🔥

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