without you

In the quiet echoes of a solitary hour,

I ponder a world without your love's power.

No gentle laughter in the evening air,

No tender touch, no one to deeply care.

The dawn would break, devoid of your smile,

No warmth in moments that stretch a mile.

The sun would rise, but less radiant it'd be,

For your presence colors the world I see.

No whispered secrets or shared dreams at night,

No hand to hold when darkness takes its flight.

The stars might twinkle, but their light would fade,

Without your love, a vibrant symphony unplayed.

No more adventures, no hand to clasp in mine,

No shared adventures, no stories intertwined.

Life's vibrant palette, in hues less bright,

Without your love, a dimmer, quieter sight.

Yet in this canvas of what might not be,

I find a deeper appreciation, you see.

For in my heart, your love eternally stays,

A beacon of light in life's intricate maze.

Though imagined, this world without you near,

Your love's enduring glow, forever dear.

For in my reality, you're my guiding light,

My life's masterpiece, in day or night.

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