In the twilight of an era marred by societal decay, humanity sought solace in a novel solution—a virtual world crafted to reflect one's moral compass. As the clock struck 21 for every soul, they were seamlessly plugged into a digital existence, a manifestation of their life's choices and ethical code.
Among the throngs of entrants was Eli, a young soul burdened by the weight of a turbulent past. ...
In the quiet echoes of a solitary hour,
I ponder a world without your love's power.
No gentle laughter in the evening air,
No tender touch, no one to deeply care.
The dawn would break, devoid of your smile,
No warmth in moments that stretch a mile.
The sun would rise, but less radiant it'd be,
For your presence colors the world I see.
No whispered secrets or shared dreams at night,
No hand to ho...