Write a Pantoum on any topic you like.

A pantoum is a poem where each stanza is 4 lines, and the second and fourth line of each stanza are repeated as the first and third lines of the next. As this creates a lot of repetition, try to pick a theme that would benefit from emphasis of certain lines.

To Love A Beast

(A/N: I usually don’t write about love cause it’s hard to write about something you haven’t experienced so please give me feedback)

I slip into your embrace

My sorrows washing away with the tide

‘I love you’ you whisper softly in my ear

Though I could never understand why

My sorrows washing away with the tide

Peace flooding my mind

Though I could never understand why

You don’t cower like the others

Peace flooding my mind

As you sew my broken mind back together

You don’t cower like the others

You choose to love a beast

You sew my broken mind back together

And though I can’t help question that

You choose to love a beast

I’ll enjoy it till you open your eyes

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