No Way Out

“Hey Tom what are you doing today?” said Stanley.

“I’ve got the whole day free,” said Tom.

“Do you want to go to the Juniper Corn Maze in Jasper with me?” said Stanley.

“Sounds good,” said Tom.

“Let’s meet at the corn maze. I have a dinner date at 5:30 with my mom,” said Stanley.

Stanley arrived at Juniper Corn Maze at 9:30 so he sat in his car listening to a YouTube video. Next Tom pulled in at 9:45. They walked to the entrance to pay the $5.00 per person entry fee. They each held a map of the maze to help figure out which direction to explore to find the maze exit.

They entered the corn maze and followed a path toward the center of the maze. There were granola bars, apples, bananas -NR bottles of water in the center. They continued east without an exit so they returned to the middle.

Next they went north and saw lightning flash, but carefully trodded on and didn’t find an exit so they returned to the center.

Lastly, they walked south and the wind began to blow the corn stalks back and forth so they couldn’t see the path clearly. They didn’t find an exit so they again returned to the center.

After being stuck in the center for a half hour without cell phone service, they walked until they found a spot toward what they thought was the entrance and they found service.

Tom said, “Let’s call the owners,” No one answered the phone.

Then Stanley called 911,” Hello we are stuck at Juniper Corn Maze and we can’t find the exit due to the storm. Can you rescue us?”

The operator said, “We’ll fly over to rescue you after the storm calms down. Go to the center of the maze and kneel down with your hands over your heads. When you hear us overhead stand up and wave your arms. Also turn on your cell phone flashlight so we can see you.”

Thirty minutes later Tom heard a whirring sound. Tom and Stanley stood and waved their hands and turned on the flashlights to their cell phones. The helicopter rescuers threw down ladders so Tom and Stanley could climb up to the helicopter. The center of the maze wasn’t large enough for the helicopter to land.

Tom said, “Stanley you go first.” Stanley climbed the ladder up to the helicopter. Then shortly after that Tom took his turn climbing.

While Stanley stood waiting for Tom,he said, “Hey, I see more people stuck in the maze.” The helicopter veered that direction and rescued four more people.

The helicopter flew the people to the maze parking lot and let them off after making sure everyone was healthy and had good vitals.

The storm calmed down so the six people from the maze talked a little. “That was scary,” said Sally.

“We went every way possible and couldn’t find the exit,” said Tom.

“The lightning scared me and the wind blew too hard to find the trails,” said Stephanie.

“I’m so glad you saw us to have the helicopter come rescue us,” said a pair of twins.

“Your welcome,” said Stanley,” this was an experience that we won’t forget.”

Then they got in their cars and drove home.

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