Submitted by Brynlee
'I don't want to stick out like a weed in a field of wildflowers.'
Use this sentence to inspire a poem or short scene.
Mush in my cacoon
My Mind’s a hot mess
Thoughts would never rest
Crying on the inside
I’ll hide in my cacoon for awhile
A golden child
A dysfunctional teenager
Rising above the chaos
Escaping into the forest
Screaming my chorus
The cords of my soul playing sounds of rage
Anger kept my mind in a cage
Unable to turn the page
Burning bridges
Always had a match in my pocket
Head in the clouds
I think I’ll light my rocket
Holding a broken locket
Few screws in my head loose
Do you have a socket?
I was the weed in the wildflowers
Gave up my power
Covered in mud
The muck in the cacoon
Mess in my mind
I had to sit with you for awhile
Heal my inner child
As he cried for attention
It didn’t matter what kind he was getting
The bad The Ugly The muddy The mucky
Will you just look at my hot mess
Maybe I’ll wear a dress
Put on a wig a flower in my hair
Yeah, I have a pair of balls
Why do you care?
My burdens aren’t for you to bare
My beauty isn’t for you to see
It’s within inside me
Maybe there’s something beautiful about the weed in the wildflowers.
The butterfly needs milkweed to mate
To reproduce To Evolve
To speard its wings and fly
I can be man and cry
I am feminine and divine
So I’ll wear that little black dress of mine
The looks that used to make me feel small
How give me strength
The bullies that called me gay
Internally were dark and gray
I’ll never be like the masses
I’ll watch as the entire system crashes and I’ll put on my fake lashes
Hoses and heels
Because your opinions won’t steal my individuality
Your looks and sidebar comments don’t hold any weight
I will walk my path in my sneakers or heels
Jeans or a Skirt
because I can be both
Feminine and Masculine
I want to stick out like a weed in the wildflowers because I’m both the weed and the Wildflower.
And that’s how I stand in my power.
The butterfly in the wildflowers and the milkweed not carrying if you are judging me.
I see the beauty in my mush
I see the wonder in my wild
I see I was just a child trying to fit into places I didn’t belong
I took the long route to get here and the trails and tribulations grew me into the Being that I became.
So take aim at my darkest hurts. You can’t harm me anymore .
Because now they aren’t my darkest truths
They are my shimmering glittery light that makes my butterfly wings glow transparent light!