Blue and red lights flash in the distance, but it’s not the police.
How can you use the literary technique of subverting expectations to write a compelling story?
Battle Of Titans
If you were to have seen blue and red lights flashing in the distance and have thought that they were police lights, you'd have not been amiss. The actual cause of the lights were two titans, specifically two apex titans, fighting for dominance. The titans in question were Psychopine, and The Mountaineer. The Mountaineer is actually one of the few seemingly intelligent titans and he is a human like mountain man, while Psychopine is a beastial titan that is porcupine like and has hallucinogenic quills. The battle took place in three major cities, New York, London, and Tokyo. These places have been under construction since. One portion of the fight even happened in the air and another happened underwater. They destroyed Mount Everest. Neither one won as they both destroyed each other. The Mountaineer still has consciousness but he is stuck in a pile of ruins. Psychopine on the other hand, is in a deep coma.
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