Everyone in John Garter’s class’s dragon eggs had already cracked but his hadn’t, until now. He was in his bed, half-asleep, and he heard a cracking noise. He got up and looked to see his dragon egg cracking. He was excited and amazed. He was surprised when he saw that his dragon was not just one of the 4 elements, like all dragons, and that it was multicolored and it had energy sparking all around it. His window was blown open suddenly and two wizards came through. The larger of the two said, “John, we need you and your dragon to come with us.” John replied, “What?!” The two grabbed his arm and John grabbed his dragon that had now stopped sparking. They got on to a very large dragon that was green and had earth powers. They flew through the midnight sky all the way to the SpellGuard headquarters. They went inside the giant building. They ended up at the minister’s office and he said, “So, this is the DragonSworn. You ready to be the chosen one?”
The 20 year old man looked up at the sky and saw birds flying around. Nothing was out of place until he a cardinal that was red. He did not know it was red, though. He was amazed and shocked by this discovery. He decided to devote his life to finding another splash of color. Little did he know, that was a glitch that would by fixed in no time, and that he had devoted his life to a hopeless cause.
The girl ran as fast as she could through the bitter cold. She thought to herself about her younger sister running away into the cold and dark forest. Her sister and their parents had got into an argument and her sister had ran into the forest against everyone’s instructions. Even though she knew she was not responsible for her sister’s disappearance, she felt extremely guilty about it. She felt her knees buckling and her legs shaking and weakening as she ran. She wanted to sit down and rest, but she couldn’t do that without finding her sister. They had always been pretty close. She finally fell down onto the soft snow. She felt very defeated. She felt very warm and hot. She looked up and saw her sister. Her sister sat beside her and began comforting her. Her parents then began to wonder and worry about why they had both been gone for more than an hour.
If you were to have seen blue and red lights flashing in the distance and have thought that they were police lights, you'd have not been amiss. The actual cause of the lights were two titans, specifically two apex titans, fighting for dominance. The titans in question were Psychopine, and The Mountaineer. The Mountaineer is actually one of the few seemingly intelligent titans and he is a human like mountain man, while Psychopine is a beastial titan that is porcupine like and has hallucinogenic quills. The battle took place in three major cities, New York, London, and Tokyo. These places have been under construction since. One portion of the fight even happened in the air and another happened underwater. They destroyed Mount Everest. Neither one won as they both destroyed each other. The Mountaineer still has consciousness but he is stuck in a pile of ruins. Psychopine on the other hand, is in a deep coma.
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The dog has golden locks, deep blue eyes, and an endearing but derpy smile. The dog seems very vocal and relaxed. It looks compassionate and understanding. It is very passionate about the things it likes. On certain days it is quite irritable. On others, it is very hyper and not able to focus well. It is very social and it loves the outdoors. The dog loves the summer. It has a complicated relationship with the cat which is a jerk, but it clearly loves the dog. The dog, when not terrified by it, loves the cat back. The dog’s name is Rupert, and I love him.
The man wandered through the field. He wandered aimlessly but with a strange sense of purpose and goal. He seemed tired. His hair was disheveled. He had a black hoodie on and grey sweatpants on. The field had lots of colorful leaves on the ground as it was fall. He saw some interesting flowers and rocks. He also saw a duck shaped cloud. After he looked down from the sky he saw a deer that looked normal but with something slightly off about it. He kept on going though. He finally stopped. He then sat down even though the ground was wet. He sat the flowers in his hand down in front of himself. Finally, he looked forward and saw his grandfather’s grave who was very important to him.
“I was cleaning my ancestor’s supposed house that was found, and I found a stack of papers. I rifled through. I asked my grandfather, the only family member alive who could only I knew could read, what they He told me that one paper discussed a creature called a cat that was four legged, furry, and seemingly independent. The paper was apparently a scientific report. One thing I must have missed is that one of my family members must have overheard our conversation. This is the true story, your honor.”
In the small country town of Pickett, there is a lake that is unnamed but loved by the locals. The locals do not know of the crime that took place there, though. There once was a crime that took place there and the husband of one of the participants found out about their crimes. Their crimes were blackmail and stealing. The husband stomped over to the lake and their cabin that was nearby in the gloomy and foggy woods. The woman’s partner opened the door and the husband grabbed him and threw her partner into the lake, never to be seen again.