Picnic Partners

It started as these things normally do, with a conversation about the weather.

“Dang, this summer is hot.” Aiden flapped his arms up and down to make his point, nearly knocking over the dwindling pile of picnic food that was balanced somewhat hopefully on the table next to him.

“Climate change, man,” Jade replied drily, delicately twisting a lethal pair of scissors around her fingers, “when the sea boils, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Aiden decided he’d rather busy his mouth with the last of the sausage rolls than get into that debate with his sister.

“Ahem,” someone coughed politely, “I would thank you to not chew with your mouth open, please, it

really is most unbecoming.”

Aiden cracked open an eyes, flinching at the sudden sun exposure. “Whatcha say?”

“Good Lord,” the primly-dressed girl clutched her hand to her chest, “I think I just saw your oesophagus.”

“Bless you,” Aiden said. Because really, what else what there to say.

The girl frowned.

Aiden felt bad for offending her, so offered her a sausage roll.

The girl smiled slightly. “Are they vegetarian?”

“Not in the slightest.” Aiden grinned.

The girl’s smile grew. “Perfect.”

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