Back from the Sewers ©2019 JRCoffronIII

Write a story based on this re-imagining of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
(Yet another ROTTMNT story! This one is about Mollie and Mikey!)
It was a beautiful summer day, and the Hidden City was hosting a Festival of the Arts, where artists, singers, musicians, etc. would come to show off their talents.
None of Mikey’s brothers wanted to come with him, so the orange banded turtle was afraid he wouldn’t be able to come, but Autumn offered to join him, and they headed off to the Hidden City.
When they arrived, Mikey and Autumn immediately headed for the painting booths.
While the two were painting and talking, Mikey noticed a beautiful, fluffy Balinese mutant walk on stage and begin to sing for the crowd.
Mikey watched the cat mutant as she sang on stage at the Festival of the Arts. She was so beautiful, her cream and brown fur fluttering in the wind as she belted out the lyrics.
After the girl finished her song, she cheerily thanked everyone for listening, and skipped off stage, her tail swaying behind her.
Mikey was in awe, almost a trance, and Autumn waved a hand in front of him.
“Hello? Earth to Mikey? Ya alive in there?” Autumn asked, her voice sweet and inquisitive.
Mikey snapped out of his trance, looking back down at his painting in his hand. “Y-yeah. I’m fine. That cat was a really good singer, am I right?” Mikey stuttered awkwardly, glancing at his squirrel friend.
Autumn shrugged. “She had a nice voice.” She replied shyly, before directing her attention to her sketchpad.
Mikey nodded silently and went back to painting on the canvas, still thinking about the musical feline.
The festival had several different booths for painting, sculpting, sketching, and animating. Along with the booths there was a huge stage in the middle of the area, where people would go up to either improv or sing.
“That’s a really pretty painting!” A voice from behind Mikey sang, and he felt a soft paw on his shoulder.
Mikey spun around to see the girl from earlier, beaming with joy.
“Oh! A- thanks! I saw you singing earlier, you have a wonderful voice.” Mikey grinned. He tried to act casual, trying to start a conversation with the girl.
The mutant giggled sweetly, fidgeting with her sapphire necklace. “Thank you!” She meowed, her eyes shining.
Mikey smiled back and put out his hand to shake. “I’m Mikey. It’s always nice to meet a fellow artist, and another mutant at that!”
The cat shook his hand, the creamy colored around her neck fluffing up slightly. “Nice to meet you, Mikey, I’m Mollie!” She purred happily.
The two immediately hit it off, and began painting and talking together along with Autumn.
Autumn was shocked at how fast Mikey befriended a total stranger, and found it sweet.
“So, you two wanna join me for pizza sometime this week?” Mollie asked, her voice as sweet as honey.Mikey hastily agreed with no second thought, while Autumn looked hesitant. Mollie seemed nice enough, but she was always slow to trust people.
But seeing how Mikey practically shined with love and admiration for this stranger, Autumn knew he would be sad if she didn’t come along.
“Sure, sounds fun!” Autumn smiled softly, flicking her fluffy tail side to side.
Mollie grinned, “Great! How about Friday at 2?” She offered, and Mikey and Autumn agreed.
Mikey was so happy with Mollie, it was like being with another of himself.
She understood him, despite only knowing him for an hour or so, and Mikey loved that. He knew it was crazy, but he was beginning to have feeling for this friendly feline…
Mollie suddenly gave him a little nuzzle, and did the same to Autumn, leaving Mikey blushing and Autumn just…meh. “I’ll see you two soon, but I have to go. Oliver, my brother, is waiting for me!” Mollie mewed, and with a flick of her tail, she disappeared into the crowd.
“I think I’m in love.” Mikey said to Autumn, half joking. Autumn just laughed, shaking her head. “You two would be an adorable couple, but how about you wait a little? In the words of Elsa ‘you can’t marry a girl you just met.’”
Hi y’all! I hope you liked this little story! I know how much some of you like Autumn, so I decided to incorporate her into this!
I had no idea how to end this chapter, so that ending wasn’t great. 😅
I’ll be working on Raph and Leo’s parts next. I already have Leo’s half way written but I’m silly and finished this instead of his.
Anyways, I love yall (platonically ofc) and I hope you have a good day/night!