D&M Her Blue Eyes (Davian)

(Okay so I got a better idea for the chapter I wrote last time. So this is it. Sorry for all my rewrites I do it a lot but I’m more happy with this idea. So I hope you enjoy!)

I run. At this moment in time that’s all I need to do. All I want to do.

Maisie is in trouble, I don’t know how or why or any of that other stuff, but I know she needs someone. Hopefully I can be that someone for her, hopefully I’m enough.

I stop in front of her driveway, bending down witn my hands on my knees as I scan around. Her aunt’s car isn’t in the drive way where it normally is. All the lights are turned off, which isn’t very weird since it’s almost time for the moon to make it’s appearance, but I don’t like the idea of Maisie being alone in the dark.

She could have gone somewhere with her aunt but I’m not sure she did. I straighten up, staring at her dark bedroom window on the second floor. She’s in there . . . I know she’s there.

My eyes dart from the window to the closed front door. Maybe I’m wrong about her aunt, maybe she never parked her car in the driveway and I just created that in my mind.

I sprint through the freshly cut grass to the huge tree that’s gently touches the glass of Maisie’s window. If her aunt is home I don’t think it would be right to just barge in. Although this isn’t exactly very proper or kind either. But if Maisie needs help then I want to get to her fast, and this seems fast.

I grab a branch that’s close to the ground, pulling myself up. My arms already sting as I curl onto the branch, and suddenly all those moments I faked being sick, and stayed home from P.E start haunting me.

I shake that thought away, P.E doesn’t matter Maisie matters. She’s the only thing that matters.

I steady myself on the branch hugging the tree trunk as it starts shaking gently. If this snaps I’m never gonna climbs tree again.

I can see Maisie’s window from here, the darkness that’s pouring out of it.

I just need to grab one more branch and I’ll be there, ready to save her. Or whatever she needs, I could be wrong about her needing help. But I’m not second guessing myself, not right now.

I climb up the tree, slowly crawling arcoss the branch that taps against the black window. I can’t see anything in there, no Maisie, nothing.

I squint my eyes, inching closer, I know she’s in there. The darkness is just trying to trick me, like it’s done to me my whole life. With the crash, choosing to take the car even though driving at night is something that terrifies me.

I shouldn’t have fallen for it. I killed someone, but I’m not letting this darkness trick me. I’m not going to put Maisie’s life on the line just because I can’t see her.

I inch even closer, now I can see her room. But she’s not—

And that’s when everything freezes. My thoughts, but not my body. I spring from the tree, smashing into the cold, sharp glass window. My shoulder throbbing as little twinkles fo glass rain down around me.

I thud onto the ground, raising my head to see what I’d already seen through the window before I broke it.

Maisie. Lying on the ground, with a silver knife resting in her limp hand.

I crawl across the glass to her, pushing the knife out of her hand as I pull her head into my arms.

“Maisie?” I ask, my heart racing like crazy as I see the huge, deep, red cut on her left wrist. Right below her scar that she showed me just last night.

I cup Maisie’s face in my hands, shaking her gently. Her blue eyes are shut, her skin deadly cold.

My whole body starts shaking as I look at Maisie’s wrist. It’s so deep, and the blood . . . It’s a lot of blood. Too much blood.

I scoop Maisie up off the ground, her limp head resting agaisnt my shoulder as the weight of her body makes my arms strain.

I run for the door, her wrist still oozing with red as I stumble down the stairs.

I’ve never been in here before, but I find the front door fast. It’s kind of like my house, but that’s not important, not right now.

I lift Maisie onto my shoulder, which feels very wrong but I need to unlock the front door. The loud click of the lock echos through the dark house as I throw the door open.

I jump over the porch steps, running down the drive way as I shift Maisie back into my arms. the hospital isn’t too far from here, but it might be too late.

I shake my head as I run hugging Maisie tightly to my chest.

I never realized how beautiful she is — that’s not really true but there is something different about her tonight—Her shut eyes, her blonde hair that’s tickling my neck.

But none of that matters right now. Her beauty doesn’t matter to me. ‘Cause if it’s too late, if she doesn’t make it. Then I’ll never get to tell her how beautiful she is . . . And that’s what gives me the energy to run.

My need to see her blue eyes and tell her I love her.

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