King Of Sandstone

[COM Chapter Six]

Edgaron’s loud screeching filled the air around them. The whipping of his large wings sweeping sand into the air. Exposing himself to all the men who quickly went to fearfully shaking, scimitars in hand. Felnir shot her hands into the air, hardly able to see within the new sand storm caused by Edgaron.

“Please let us speak to the boy!” Felnir pleaded, watching in horror as Edgaron broke through the clouds. His large scaled body slowly floating down, eyes fixed on the men scattering as fire held in his jaws.

“Edgaron no!!” Devum shouted over the roaring of the weapon wielding men. Standing between the dragon and the men with outstretched arms. Looking for the boy who had spoken their northern tongue.

Edgaron plopped down onto the sandy ground, a burst of fire slipping from his mouth as the men surrounded him. All their eyes and swords on him, yet he yawned and watched the smaller dragon land on his back.

“You have two dragons in your possession?” An elderly man with a cane stepped from a nearby mud hut. The young boy from earlier at his heels. “sayurid milik alraml altahaduth maeaha” The old man shuffled out into the clearing towards the two girls and their dragons.

“hum shayatin!” One of the guard men hissed, glaring at the girls.

“Demons they are not” The boy shouted.

His grandfather laughed a bit as Edgaron gave the boy a head nod. Watching as he approached.

“Can he touch them?” The old man looked at the girls. “I never expected to see something like this in my lifetime “

“He may touch them” Devum watched the boy slowly reach for Edgaron. Who without warning blew out warm air knocking the boy back playfully. Looking to Devum with a grin.

“You expose them to our people. They are very superstitious.” The old man touched Colaxy and then waved the men away. “Our king will want to meet you, he doesn’t speak much of the northern language but I’ll send Till with you” he motioned for the boy to come.

“We are in a hurry, the crimson sands used to house a ship. One which held our next relic.” Devum questioned, watching Felnir with Colaxy out of the corner of her eye.

“Our king has the relic. It’s part of his crown” The old man smiled. “Follow the river half a day south Noburon will be hard to miss”

“Thank you.” Felnir added in.

“Not ever day you meet the chosen ones” He waved as the boy bowed to them, his light brown eyes fixed on Edgaron.

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