Sleep Paralysis:X-TREME

Once upon a time, a young girl was on her family farm playing with some chickens and her pet dog. Then, coming from a nuclear weapons testing plant, is a glow in the dark chicken.

“Hello there! What’s your name!” Calls out the girl.

The chicken just stares at her, emotionless. The young girl then bends over to pick up the chicken until all of the sudden, the chicken jumps up and pecks her on the head!

“OOWWWW! MOMMA! HELP!” Cried the scared and hurt little girl. Then, like a stampede of elephants, her family rushes down to her now fainted body. They soon take her to the hospital where the doctors can’t find anything wrong with her. The little girls family then shouts” MY LITTLE GIRL ABBY IS PARALYZED! YOU CAN DO SOMETHING!” Says the mother.

The doctor responds“Tone it down their women, we are trying our best to-“


“M’am chill out or we will have to call security.”



A few moments later, the authorities take the women out of the hospital. Meanwhile, Abby after 1 day of rest is up and moving again and is now experiencing sleep paralysis.

A few years into the future…

“Abby! Come here sugar!” Shouts the jock.

“Get away from me! Please! Someone help!” Shouts Abby.

The boy then catches Abby and puts him in his van and takes her to his house.

“Let me go!” Punches the jock.

“OW!” Shouts the jock. He then pushes Abby back and knocks her unconscious. She wakes up paralyzed in a strangers home with another girl.

“Your awake! Hi I’m Maddie! We are both on the swim team!” Says Maddie

“Where are we?” Says Abby

“Practically slavery. I’ve been in this cage for some time. Many like you have came through, but none have stayed as long as me.”

Suddenly, a group of men walk in discussing something involving money.

“Why should we get them? Their racks are practically nothingness. How to we know they aren’t men?” Said man one.

“Yeah! I like mine huge. They are super flat” said man two.

“ We’re out of here!” Said man one as they left.

Suddenly the police bust through the door and I pass out.

When I wake up, I’m in the hospital unable to move. The doctor walks in and says,” welcome to the super mutants program. I am Prof. Behavior and I will be your teacher and help you advance your abilities to become super hero’s.”

“Do what?” Says the half asleep Abby.

“You have much to learn…in the meantime Maddie will be your babysitter.”

Maddie walks in and says” We are going to have so much fun! Aren’t you excited!”

“Sure but what about my family? My friends? My scholarly career?” Says Abby in a drunken state.

“ I’m sorry I have to be the one to inform you of this, but they are dead. Says the Prof.

“WHAT!” Says Abby.

“Yeah…car wreaks got to them both somehow. Hmm…such a coincidence. So are you ready? If you are take my hand and we will turn you into a hero!”

Abby then takes the hand.

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