I was at the restaurant when it happened. I was minding my own business and over the radio I hear,” Drafting has initiated…WWIII is getting deadly, the Russian and Chinese Armenia have taken Alaska. France has surrendered. And North Korea and Taliban have join in the war. This is a sad day for America.” We all looked around in fear for our names to be called. My girl friend looks at me and says,” please god…please. Don’t do this to me.” She then started to weep.
“ Katrina, don’t worry. I don’t think I am to be drafted.”
One hour later
“Richard Rollins!” Said the drafts man.
My girlfriend went to me and hugged me saying’” goodbye and I love you and all that stuff” as I rode away to WWIII.
Boot camp wasn’t that much fun, but I knew that America needed me… Katrina needed me. Finally we got to our first battle on the coast of China. At this point it was Russia,China,Taliban, and North Korea vs. USA, South Korea, Turkey, and Japan. So we were with tons of Japanese soldiers on the coast. We had won our first fight and I successfully killed 4 men.
Our second fight was a few months later when we were dumped with Turkish troops on the border of the Taliban and were just told to “go from city to city conquering until we get to the other side, any resistance will lead to death, so you understand maggots!”
“Sir yes sir!” We all said
Their was roughly about 2,000 of us all loaded with ARs and 200 bullets each with a side pistol if we were to run out of ammo…only 16 shots for it.
3 days into our conquest and we make it to our first city, it was a charming little town and many of them already hated the Taliban and were open to helping us as much so as to let us stay a few days and rest up. Even sending some of their men with us making the total about 2,100 soldiers.
Then we make it to our first fight, thousands of Taliban soldiers had guns aimed at our little militia of men. We were at a standstill, a staring contest, a shoot off. Then, it happened, someone fired and all hell broke loose. Bullets everywhere the eye could see. Explosions, dead bodies galore, it was madness. We had luckily won the fight with 128 of our original men and 4 Taliban rebels. We walked back the rest of the way and learned that a peace treaty had been signed saying that North Korea owns all of the Korean Peninsula, China owns a few Japanese islands, and America owns a few Russian islands and a agreement saying that nuclear bombs are outlawed, the Bill of Booms.
After 2 battles, we were finally able to go home. The plane back was a nightmare as it was a cargo plane filled full of sweaty men. After 12 hours of flying we are on American territory and are shipped back home. The boat ride back was a little better… a little better. Now we are at least on a non-shaky vessel, but we were still cramped into that largo boat. Final after what felt like a century I made it to San Francisco, my home city. When I got home, the house was empty, no one had even cleaned up or was here to greet me. Something was off. I drove back down to the police station to ask about my family being gone.
“I’m sorry sir, but they died. A gang dispute happened and their were no survivors, your house was the territorial dispute.” Said the police officer.
Those words. Those words as sharp as glass pierced me like a bullet.
“Katrina, mom, dad.” I bawled on the floor.
I walked home to see where all the bullet holes were at. I then walked to the cemetery to see their gravestones. I then walked to the bridge. I had a dispute on whether or not to jump off. I had nothing to loose. But then, I hear,” are you ok sir?” Said a middle aged women.
“No.” I sniffled” My life as just flown away.”
“Here come with me, I also lost someone to that war.”
We then walked away happily ever after.
It’s always ok to ask.
Don’t commit suicide, their’s always someone watching out for you.