
The mail arrived, just on time, before off to the daily duties of life. Piles and piles, of unreadable printed

Nonsense, with other names attached, with weather eaten labels. Stuck under all that, was a letter of

Write from the ‘Contest of competition’, that I had entered a year ago.

I tore open the cherished document, as the small pieces of gold and silver sprinkled over me. I

Heard a silent confirmation saying ‘Winner, keep reading’. It seems that there was two box

Seats and fine dining included. As the list got longer, about the details of the night, the main

Event was a secret.

My friend and I, were to set off the following week, as it was to be held, on the weekend.

Airfare, hotel, and even a travel unit was given, so we were finally off to Paris. Excited just to get

Away, and to have fun and see what our small vacation was to offer.

As we drove to the airport, my cell rang with a photo of one of my favorite artists. I thought it was

Spam, so I hung up. The rang happened a few more times, so I answered. This robotic voice spoke

To us, asking all kinds of questions about the contest and our prize. It seems that my lifelong idol

Whose acting echoed through my heart and soul, was the prize.

We were to attend a film premiere, and he was to dine with us before the film. I was so excited and

Once we arrived in Paris and settled in our Hotel, I changed outfits four times. My knees were shaking

And I defiantly couldn’t sleep, even after the long ride of plane. My restless heart was beating as my

Friend slept close by, and I started to daydream.

The ringing of the phone bell woke us up,to remind us that we only had 15 minutes before the travel unit

was to pick us up. All dolled up and looking fresh, and trying not to act that also, us ladies were off.

We were quickly whisked off and soon we were there, and with the in crowd, we went inside. We went

Up a gold plated elevator and on the second floor the door opened.

To our surprise, we actually got on ‘his’ private elevator by mistake, and as we realized this, he slithered

In only his silky, coin lined robe. We both stared at him, with complete awe, as he took his leather

Cowboy hat off to reveal hair of green color. He had a face like a snake, as he slowly hissed at us. We

Both jumped back in fear as he circled around us, judging us as he hissed’ I knew your Mother’

He didn’t look like anything like the photo on my phone, as we both totally forgot our exciting night

As we tried to get out of there, as fast as we could. Idol turned to horror as he turned away from us,

And went through the escape vent in the ceiling, to go meet his other unsuspecting fans that night.

As for us two ladies, who shook all that off our strong shoulders, we went back to the hotel, re fresher

For two, and we hit the town, enjoying Paris, but still watching our for the snakes.

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