Entry #5,391

Thereโ€™s no light on

the horizon, friend.

Those bastards saw

right through me...

Then turn to ask why

Iโ€™m so fucking divided.

Theyโ€™ll mull it over,

Iโ€™ll put myself back together.

I always do.

Itโ€™s fucked the way they

treat their muses.

I tried telling them

Iโ€™m not amused.

They didnโ€™t get it.

They never do.

Such humor is wasted upon them. Laughing is my only friend.

Theyโ€™ll ink their propaganda

with the foul tar I have for blood -

only saying what Iโ€™ve held

inside all along- all alone.


They write a message

and the masses will eat

from their palms as they

guide them to the pit.

Like the good little obedient

dogs theyโ€™ve become.

I wish things could be

different and that one

day I could go home.

I know that home

is no more - torn apart

by those wretched things

that Iโ€™ve created.

I canโ€™t wait to watch that

shit they call a sky

shatter when they


that blood isnโ€™t mine.

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