Choose a villain from a story that you enjoy, and write a story in which they are the protagonist.

Now that the villain is the main focus of the story, what could a reader find out about this character?


“ ‘hurt’ is an emotion you feel when a wound bleeds. I already told you when we studied ‘pain’”

“I don't mind when my wounds bleed, it doesn't hurt.”

“It does for others. That's why you should never hurt others...”

He closes the dictionary with a thud, closing the memories that come from within.

“Mum, I'm getting out!” he says, unlocking the five locks and the door chain they've installed as soon as they moved in.

“Already? Didn't you just come back from school?” she asks.


“Be careful, promise?”


He limped his way to the elevator, then out the building, and to the nearest bench, ignoring the security guard that was adding some last touches to the Christmas tree he’d made.

“How are you doing sir? Do you need a hand with that?” asked a man holding a little boy on his back.

“ thank you, I finished.” replied the guard.

“It’s beautiful...”

“Thank you,” said the guard

“God he's at it again...”

“ who is he?”

“Detective, I may be overstepping my bounds here, but I'm worried. He moved into unit 701 about a month ago, in the middle of the night, and I haven't seen much of his mother. Meanwhile, he spends day and night just sitting here.”

He nods, making his way to the bench

“Hi. Don't worry, I'm not someone suspicious. I live in unit 1501.” said the man.

“Look! This is my dad’s badge” said the boy,


“It’s cold outside, why are you here?” asked the man

“This spot has the best view of everyone coming in and out,” he said

“are you waiting for someone?” asked the boy.

“I'm not waiting for anyone,” he said, “could you perhaps move? You're blocking my view.”

The man sighs

“Here, this is my business card. Call me if you need any help,” says the man

Help, to make it easier or possible for someone to do something by offering one's services or resources...

“...and help them instead. Hurting others would make you a bad person.”

“Is that why he is a bad person? Because he hurts you?”

“Yes sweety, he is a bad person. You should never be like him...never...”

He woke up with a start. It was snowing. How long had he slept for? The security guard was still there, spreading his arms wide and smiling... Ah, it's because his daughter is running towards him...

Love, an intense feeling of deep affection...

“ is your leg okay? Your ankle is bleeding again, ” she said, as the elevator’s doors closed.

“Don't worry about it, ” he replied

“Boy, you should worry about it! Your sock always turns red because of the blood. You should go to the hospital, ” said the guard.

Right, but he couldn't risk going there for many reasons.

“Doesn't it hurt?” asks the girl.

Hurt? The synonym of pain? Tssk


“Hey! Student!” came a voice from behind him. “Boy!”

He turns around

“Are you not a student? Why are you wearing a school uniform then? Ugh, forget it. You live in 701 right? Tell your mum to visit me, I live in unit 705 by the way, right there.” says the woman.

He recognised her. She always comes back drunk and screaming.

“Well, See you,”

He reached their apartment, unlocked the door and got inside, but stopped as soon as he saw ‘that person’ staring from the building in front of theirs. He waves. then turns and starts walking.

It's him!! He’s coming!

“ Mum! Listen carefully”....

“They're really something, the ones from 701.” She says, “ I just met the son. No matter how many times I knocked on their door today, no one would open up.”

“Yes, they seem weird,”

The bell rings, startling the three of them.

“Speaking of the devil. It's him.” says the lady.

“ I'm so sorry,” he says when she opens the door. then he stabs her with the knife he found in the suitcase that ‘that person’ left in their apartment, thinking that they would be there.

He stabs the other two, just like ‘that person’ threatened he would do to them if they tried to escape. He lays them next to each other, then lays the corps that was in the suitcase and puts his mother’s id card in its pocket. Then he puts the lighter in the microwave and runs to where he’s supposed to meet his mother. Far away.

Sorry, feeling sad or distressed through sympathy with someone else's misfortune...

The first emotion he’s felt ever...

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