The Song of the Dead

Death. What a meaningless word. He walks the streets day and night, looking for souls to steal. What is truly behind those empty eyes? Could there be even an ounce of compassion, love, or mercy? His bony fingers tap the shoulders of his victims. Once they turn around, darkness. I tell you now, no soul can look him in the eyes and survive. There is only one way to identify him without risking the life you hold dear. The whistle. There is nothing more ominous than a whistle in the dead of night. If you hear this call, run. Hide. Never look back until you are well away and under the safety of your sheets. After this, close your eyes and try to dream happy dreams, not that it will happen. He takes your thoughts captive and haunts your dreams. No person on the face of this earth has ever passed in peace, for Death has no compassion, love, or mercy. Heed this warning, because he is coming for each and every one of you.

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