Submitted by btncts

stigma singularity euphoria

Write a story using these three words


I lay in bed a lot, itā€™s sorta my thing you know. Late nights staring at my phone, hoping for a slumber that isnā€™t coming. Bipolar has this stigma around it, this idea that we constantly change our personalities and feelings. That we are essentially crazy. I know if people could just understand the singularity of our minds, they wouldnā€™t judge so hard. I am living with this illness everyday. Everyday I think I will be ok. Bipolar never fails to break that notion. I am consistently sad, except the rare occasions when my mania hits. Those few hours or sometimes day are like the most effective drug in the universe. Pure euphoria. Thatā€™s the problem though, when you come down from that drug, that high, itā€™s like death. So I am constantly agonizingly suffering a death, while my brain chases the high.

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