Submitted by Talon
Your significant other frantically calls you. As the call continues, you notice the person on the other end of the line sounds just like them, but the way they speak is slightly off in such a way that it brings an unsettling feeling...
I’m on my way to an interview for my possible new job in New York City. People are frantically walking all around, each person zoned in on their agenda, trying to get to they’re destination as fast as possible. I observe several people that- for some reason- stick out to me on my way. I try to imagine a background for them all.
A tall dark skinned lady with the most extraordinary hair brushes against me in the crowd. I imagine she is a fashion designer, on her way to pick up the latest cloths from the nearby fabric store. I see a young teen girl walking along side the road, I imagine she has been homeschooled her entire life, and yearns for some sense of socialization, I think she plans to go to college in Missouri and study Journalism.
I notice a foreign man standing in front of a book- Hm? My daydreams are interrupted by a vibration I feel in my pocket. Someone is calling me. I look at my nphone to see it’s myhusband of eight years. “Hello?”
“Hey, um, are you busy?” What an odd question, he knows full well what I’m up to. “I’m walking to my interview, you know that.”
“Oh, right. Listen I’m so sorry to do this, but I need you home right now, it’s really important!” There was a sense of urgency in his voice, but not one I’d ever heard. “What? I don’t understand, what’s the problem?”
“Listen, I can’t tell you right now, but I need you right now!” He was never one to demand things from anyone, and he was surely never one to keep secrets from me. Something’s not right. “Just tell me what’s wrong, I promise I won’t be upset, just tell me.”
“I can’t tell you! All I can tell you is that it’s very important.” Aha! there it is. My husband, for the twelve years I’ve known him, has never once pronounced the “T” in “Important” and I never once corrected him, because I thought it to be funny. I am not speaking to my husband.
Well then, who AM I speaking to? I was not sure what to say, so I said nothing, I hung up. Further conversation could put me in danger. I did not know what to do, but what I did know was that I could not go home.
Might add to this, but ill probably leave it at that, since it’s only a story starter.
Ooooooo suspenseeee✨✨✨