Bitch Get Ready

She creeps around in disguise thinking no one will notice, but I notice. Why do I notice? I’ve dealt with her vindictive bitch ass before and it’s been an ongoing pattern in my life. She hides behind details that she believes she’s safe behind. Maybe her physical form is, but not her actual life. See it’s been too many years that she’s been invading MY SPACES and leaves me with nothing and no one. So far, she’s at my mothers house, she has her own place, she follows me to another state and invaded the only peaceful place I had in this world. This time she just never understood that her number with me is up. Get the fuck outta my world, because your never who you say you are. You are a deceitful little bitch, who has now made me question something that should of been unquestionable. Your whore behavior of anyone can get that, you use to your advantage, unaware of how stupid you seem and look. Male, female. It doesn’t matter, I see you, I notice your bitch behavior, because We are not strangers, soon we will be. Simply because your getting high, sole purpose of it is to make sure I don’t have a good life when bitch your not even apart of my life and never will be again. Your getting the people I care about high, so they fuck me off and discard me, only to be discarded themselves when something in your real world happens. Believe me bitch when I say, you have crossed me for the last time. You have shook up something that was never yours to shake up. How you in my DEAD best friends story, SHES DEAD BITCH and that day at village inn showed that you didn’t give 2 fucks that MY EVERYDAY person is gone. Nah, your bitch ass seen it as an opportunity to get into my world because I don’t like fake hoes, so I phased you out. You should of stayed home and away from me. I didn’t know you seen me as such a little bitch you can lie to and try and manipulate. Jig is up, you broke this boy in every area of his life, because I will no longer waste my time helping someone who rather help a fake ass envious bitch who is upset there is no competition, so she just tries to create one and BAM! 2013 all over for you again bitch. You can’t face me, have a boy beat me on ur demand and really think I’m just gonna let you off easy like that. You ruined his life, you ruined all hope for a future between us and for what? Just like the song says, god forbid I’m better than you. So you come in here once you see a spark of anything and fuck it up beyond bouncing back. I’m not bouncing back with anyone in this household because of YOU and your hateful acts of jealousy. Damage is already done, and I’m done letting people who are never who they claim to be off hoping karma will catch them. Nah bitch that so called man you act like is around but isn’t calls me karma and yes bitch you just ran into your karma. I’m my fathers only and the ghost your trying to act like he’s here, clearly you have never seen him before, or else you wouldn’t be doing dishes for some fucktard fraud. As well as pretending to be a mother, while allowing and demanding this abusive idiot to hit me because you don’t want to. Oh I bet you will when I make that phone contact to my city and blow your life up, like you have done to mine. I’m over it, you could never ever ever ever replace the real life friend I had, u tried to take her place, and that’s not cool. Then when you realized you couldn’t. You found yourself a dope head that will risk his freedom for a tad bit of dope, but your not innocent. Now that I know your a part of this organized crime that won’t stop infesting my life, it’s on because I need to go live in reality, just like you do.. imma force you to face it or find out how deep you are in. I’ll never be you and fuck off my 30s for no reason... he’s gotta get back to you, so the moment you walked in, and talked in his ear he’s out. Perfect because I’m about to give you what you need and that is to recognize what the fuck your doing. You are a virus in any disguise but yourself and this circus will realize it, but as for us we are done done.. and I guess when that check comes up, you will know that I know it’s you and I’m telling you to back up the only way I know how when shoved into a corner by cowards who have brought me down down to a sadness I’m unsure I can make it out of.

If I die here, believe me no one on earth is going to think it’s a suicide. Ur trying real hard to make me look like someone I’ll never be and something you clearly will always be. I feel sorry for the Z, she deserves a better mother and so do I. Dumb ass

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