Inspired by Expresso1241

In a world where pain is optional, your protagonist seeks it out.

don’t let it happen again

you don’t have to feel pain

at least, not in your heart

you can save yourself

from being torn apart

from feeling a piercing, everlasting pain

from heartbreak

he can’t break your heart

if it’s not his

he can’t break your heart

if you don’t show it to him

he can’t break your heart

if you don’t let him in

all the hurt

the lingering pain

the endless tears

would be spared

if you just

forgot about him

if you just didn’t

open up to him

if you just didn’t

let him get under your skin

and into your heart

your soul wouldn’t have left your body

your hands wouldn’t be shaking

your eyes wouldn’t be dry

because all of your tears were cried away

you would be okay

but you didn’t listen to me

you fell for him

and you though he fell for you

so you opened up

and he tore your heart apart

he tore you apart

he broke you

you’ve learned your lesson

don’t let it happen again

it’s happening again

but you need to stop

you can’t let him have your heart

because then he can’t break it

and the pain will be spared

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