Submitted by E. Wong
You are writing a story when suddenly you fall into it.
Based on what you know of the plot and characters, you have to work out how to get out of it!
Cartoon Land
The breeze from the cracked window blows in my face, shivering I get up and slam the window shut, I almost forgot where I was I was so embossed in my writing, I’m just so close to the ending, so close, I stretch and lean back looking up at the old grandfather clock ticking in the corner of the room, blimey! It’s gone 3:00 I managed to doze off and the book is meant to be completed in one day!
Grabbing my pencil and tapping it on the big wooden table I’m working at I double check my last paragraph, if only I could see a way to finish this last page and live up to my managements standards, 6 years of writing and not one award winning book yet, I can feel myself drifting off again so I stand up to make a coffee and grab a snack, as I lean over the counter I can sense someone is watching me I turn around quickly and gasp! Oh my goodness Maddison you scared me, why are you up at this time of night, let me get you back into bed, my anxious mind grabbing her hand and leading her back up the stairs from the basement, I’m not sure how she found her way down here with only my little lamp lighting the room.
BANG...WHACK...WHOOSH... ouch I knew I should of got a proper light installed, oh my gosh Maddison is she okay? I sit up slowly holding my head, my eyes feel fussy and blurred and it’s really really bright in here.
My hands tremor and I feel paralysed in shock I blink trying to adjust my eyes and pull myself out of what I am seeing, I must be dreaming still, all around me are hot air balloons floating around and rabbits hopping around my feet, a bright green sky is beaming down on me and a purple sun is sat in the sky smiling down, this place looks so familiar but it can’t be real... can it?
I pinch my arm hard and stand up, ouch! I did feel that I can’t be dreaming... what on earth? How did I get here? This is exactly what I wrote in my book, about bounce land about the rabbits and the balloons and the jumping humans who move like frogs, how did I get here and how do I get home?
I briskly walk down the pink path that leads to the village, well it did in my story, I have cherry waves from the jumping humans... then I spot something, this could be the answer!
I walk over and pull back the shower curtain joining two curtains to the alley between the bright yellow and orange roof cottages, that were round and pristine inside and out, I tried down the path bending down looking for the key, if this is the story I wrote then this is the answer...
I grab the key that i had placed behind a soft brick and I take it to the only person that can save me, dr who-sin , he will know what to do,
Pulling the curtain to the side and running full pelt down the pink path round the grand water fountain and through the tunnel leading to the dark woods, I run as fast as I can into the deep long grass and search for the trap door where I will find my answers.
I search for what felt like hours, I wrote the silly book why can’t I find what I’m looking for!, I sit down, I’m ready to sleep I must of been up hours now, I am still not sure I’m not in a coma, but hey worrying won’t get me home in time for my deadline! “HELLO”booms a loud voice making me jump into the air further than I knew possible, “WHO ARE YOU? Your not from around here!” I get my breath back and I spin around looking for the voice,” where are you?”
“Down here, stupid” isn’t this your book you should know! I look down and a annoyed little man is staring at me waving his ant sized stick and peering over the top of his spectacles, he is dressed in green with a long black beard trailing down to his knees, ah mister whosin finally I found you I sigh relived I need your help! I fell down the stairs and well somehow I’ve ended up here.
Mr whosin glared at me then rolled his eyes, you didn’t fall, you silly girl I pushed you!
Why would you do that, my mouth drops open I. Shock, “to bring you here of course” I needed you to see what you were doing..
What I was doing? I asked confused and a bit annoyed that he openly admitted pushing me down the stairs, how did he even push me he’s tiny!!
What do you need I say? What is wrong with my book... it looks lovely here I say gazing around and smiling to myself, “LOVELY?” Gosh he has a loud voice for a tiny fella I think to my self covering my ear, “you call this lovely?”