The Cellar

Although I couldn’t see, something told me that I definitely wasn’t alone in the cellar. It was a feeling I used to remember. The Feeling of being watched from every dark inch of every corner in this cellar.

Whatever is down here with me, it definitely sounds like they can’t see in the dark too much either . They’re shuffling all over the place. They must be creatures that need the light. As they continue to shuffle and grunt, I know they’re easily frustrated.

I don’t want to approach them for I fear I might scare them more than they’re scaring me. I just stay where I am and observe in hopes they won’t find me hiding in the dark. I spoke too soon, the creature has found it’s light. They’re holding a small stick in their hands that shines a bright light in whichever direction you point. They then point the light in my corner of the cellar.

They take one look at me with their small eyes and tiny body standing on two legs, and instantly scream in fear. These must be the new homeowners. The last ones ran off after they found me, a grotesque demon, living in the deepest darkest corner of the cellar.

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