A Life To Love, No Matter What.

One day, if I must wake up without you.

How do I proceed in life without you?

I’ve lost so many with you

That I am not ready to lose you too.

You started me on my path to glory.

Stood me back on my feet when I was awaiting death.

Ready to give up, you took us in without another word of protest.

My two brothers and I are eternally grateful, for we would have been lost to the darkest nights.

I would be consumed within’ the darkness.

How about them? My knowledge is empty to that.

I ready my blade in the darkest night.

Will I be saved?

Will I be forgiven?

Will I be happy?

Will I be free?

Will I feel joy?

No, I throw the blade back into the dark.

The light, stands above my friend, presenting him.

I remain the same, but my mind is no longer sane.

He is the reason I remain.

He is the reason I smile ever so slightly.

And so is my aunt.

In the end, I would have opened my skin with this blade I now carry everywhere.

It will be my burden that I carry everywhere.

My shame that I carry everywhere.

My reminder to never, not in another world

End what was given to me.

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