Write a scene in which two characters have very different emotions about the same thing.

E.g. One character could be very happy after finding something out, whilst the other is sad about it.

Puppy Present

“Okay boys,” Linda said with excitement hidden by cautiousness, “This present is for the both of you.”

Ben and Billy looked at each other, then Ben grabbed the large box and tore it open. Ben and Billy looked at the gift in shock.

“Bark bark!” Said the baby corgi.

“It’s a dog!” Ben exclaimed! “I’ve wanted a puppy my whole entire life, thank you thank you thank you!” He gleefully tried to pick up the puppy, but it seemed hesitant. “It doesn’t like me?” Ben asked his parents, now in shock for more than one reason.

“Well, he’s new the family and is going to need to some time to get used to us,” Responded Ben and Billy’s father. “Billy, is something wrong?”

“Dogs are not a good Christmas present.” Billy said, matter of fact-ly. The family was taken aback. “No, I’m serious. Many families aren’t able to support a dog, especially when the responsibilities rest on the kids. The dog will be gone by next Christmas.”

Ben got anxious. “Is he really gonna go by next Christmas? I love him already!”

Ben’s mother put a hand on his cheek. “No, sweetie. We are going to take very good care of our new friend. And you two boys are the most responsible kids I know.” She consoled.

Billy still wasn’t convinced. “If we want the best life for him, it’s best to get rid of him.”

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