Start a scene from an omniscient point of view, and then zoom in to a first-person perspective.
Focus on how the shift changes the reader's connection to the story.
Them and I
There are people shouting and yelling. There is a big percentage of people.
There are signs raised high.
There is a big majority of banners and posters.
I stand in the midst of it all.
I look in the fury and fiery.
I remember heritage, race, ethnicity, culture and history.
There is resemblance and remembrance standing so close.
There is pestilence and annoyance even closer.
I look at my brown, almond shaped eyes and keep them on the prize.
I look at my straight, black hair and my thinking fair.
I resemble those before me.
I remember those in front of me.
I think of all the epidemics and pandemics.
I think of the rolled eyes, looked over cries, crises as old as time.
I think, look, resemble, and remember them and I.