I’m sorry.

Words so heavy set that they reach my spirit,

cracking her ever so softly,

trust being broken to the point that i’ve become a hollowed out shell,

trapped in the abyss of my own mind,

tears swell and dance on my face,

nostalgic memories for when i was with you,

a hollowed out frame i’ve become in your abscence,

to match the emptiness of my heart,

i’m sorry,

my love,

that i’m no good for you,

that i’m not pretty enough,

or small enough,

or smart enough,

to match the idea of me that you created in your head,

blocking the real me out and getting upset,

i’m sorry,

that no matter the pain i’ve been through and endured,

you push it all aside and whine about your paper cut while i bleed out from all sides,

giving you the support that you need while i slowly die and fall to pieces,

i am so sorry,

that i had to build myself up from a child to now,

just for you to tear me right back down to square one,

leaving me wondering if i had done it all wrong,

instead of questioning your intentions,

i’m sorry,

that you didn’t deserve me,

that i allowed you to believe you were something,

when your nothing,

a piece of garbage with an ego due to my lack of courage,

i’m sorry.

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