Submitted by Cara

“My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness as they pushed their way open. Pockets of sweat bubbled above my brow as I desperately searched for familiarity. It was then I realised, I was trapped.

Start to a short story with a crime/hostage themed prose.


The world around me spun as I fell to my knees. Blood dripped from my face. I tried to wipe it away with my hands, but there was too much blood on them already. How much of it was mineV I wasn’t sure. I looked up at the man who clearly won. His eyes showed a wild nature.

The world around me shifted as I got punched in the face. Everything went black.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness as they pushed their way open. Pockets of sweat bubbled above my brow as I desperately searched for familiarity. It was then I realized, I was trapped.

He stood above me with praise, knowing that he’s won. I was done for. I was far too badly beaten to keep fighting on, or to even stand up and forfeit.

After a few moments everybody left. I still laid on the cold concrete, blood staining it. I was embarrassed. I tried to stand back up and I winced not wanting to move.

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