Write a story about two best friends who have an argument that cannot be forgiven.
Initially you should build characters who seem to work well with each other, but of course something must arise that pushes them apart.
Secrets Of The Heart
We haven’t talked in 2 days 10 hours and 27 minutes. He should have know this wasn’t going to be okay. We blew up at each other Friday at our favorite spot. The park where we went everyday since kids. We even wrote our names on the swing set we swung on almost every day. I tried so hard to get over it and tried to act okay with what he said but I couldn’t do it anymore.
Now I’m sitting in AP biology waiting for him to walk through that door. He is supposed to be my partner. The bell rings and I take a deep breath in and out. He walks in late as always. His eyes scan the room looking for something, his eyes meet mine. I revert my eyes down to the lab experiment we are about to start. He walks toward me with that boyish walk.
He stops in front of the table waiting for me to say something but I’m not in the mood for talking. I'm not gonna be the one to talk first or apologize when this one isn't on me.
“Daniel take your seat so we can start” Mr. Butmen says from the front of the class
He turns to the partners in front of us, whispers something to the guy and gestures to his open seat. The guy picks up his bag and takes up the seat next to me. Daniel then takes up the new open seat in front of me. The rest of class he doesn’t even turn around to look at me.
Once the day ends I make my way home and go straight to bed. I end up tossing and turning all night. When I finally decide I’m not going to sleep anytime soon I get up and I’m out the house. Before I know it I’m sitting on the swing.
We fought because he refuses to tell his parents that he doesn’t just feel a friendship for me anymore. Apparently I’m not good enough for them so he started dating some girl that they would be proud of. As if he were doing me a favor.
I hear a crunch of leaves behind me and I don’t need to look back to know who it is. He sits down on the swing and sighs.
“I’m sorry josh” he says while facing the stars
“Did you tell them?” I hold my breath waiting
“No, I can’t and you know that”
“well then what are you doing here?” I leave the words hanging in the crispy night air as I get up and walk away