Tragic Fairytales

The shoe never fits

The apples always rotten

He’s always a beast

I must fix him change him

So he turns into a prince

It’s okay

I’ll fight in a war

Prick my finger

Make a castle in solitude

Because I know

I know he will come

Even if his fangs are sharp

His kiss un asked for

Even if he made me feel like I was meant to be alone

He’s charming

He’s kind

He loves me

Or so he says

But after all the bad

Comes the happily ever after

So if I wait

And wait

It will come

And all the sacrifices

It would be worth it

Just to see her

See her run through the woods and save me from this life

Because unlike him

Unlike them

She wants to help me

Not take over

Not control

We are partners


Yes we are still lovers

But there’s more to our story

And the tragedy

That’s only the first chapter

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