It Was For Nothing... But I'll still Help!

Nausea crept up to her throat from the pit of her stomach, upon realising that yesterday was real.

It had to be.

There's no way for it not to be.

She got out of her bed; dread weakening her legs.

How was that even possible??

How could she have done it???

She was confused, scared...

How could she have dared?

The memories crept their way up to her head, the anger, the blood...

his pleading eyes...

When did she even plan this? How did she convince herself to do it? It was so unlike her.

Her legs gave in, making her fall down and mess her hair.

Then the sound of someone knocking echoed from the front door. She froze.

She checked who it was from the peephole.

It was him! Brian! Out of all the people.

She was not ready to meet him just yet. Not him especially.

Her heart started to beat faster and harder, to the point that it started to hurt.

she decided not to open the door. However, after thinking a little, she realised that if she didn't, he will grow suspicious. He knows...

and that's probably why he was here.

”Hey..” she said after swinging the door open and stepping aside to let him in.

” It was you wasn't it?” He said, tilting his head to the side, and banging the door shut.

” you killed him.”


He scoffed closing his eyes.

”look yea! Don't play dumb! Why did you do it?” he whispered the last bit, opening his eyes wide and putting his hand on his hip.

” what are you talking about-”

”why? Why did you do it? Why did you care?” he asks completely ignoring her question.

”hmm? What's the answer? I'm waiting.”

She sighed.

”I don't know..”

”You don't know why you killed a guy...that you don't even know?”

”Well, yes, no, I don't know.”

He scoffs again, itching his nose with his other hand.

”You've gotten yourself in deep trouble.” he says.

”Well, not if you don't tell anyone!”

”Even if I didn't, they'll still know. There are CCTV cameras outside his house.”


”Don't tell me you didn't know!”

”Well I didn't.” she groans.

”Aren’t you gonna tell me why?”

”ugh fine...I did it for you...”

”what? Why?”

”Well, I couldn't stand his blackmailing...”

”He was blackmailing you?”

”Well, no he wasn't but he was doing it to you. Wasn't he?” He exhales in disbelief, cutting the eye contact they've made.

”You literally, killed a man, that you didn't even know...for me?”

”Why do you look so shocked? It had to be done by someone! And I was sure that you were going to do it anyway.”

”that doesn't give you a pass ticket to kill him!!”


”look... You're my brother... Even if we'd just met! I want to help you, ”

”Does that even matter?”

”of course!”

He itches his chin, thinking. ” fine...” he says after a while.

”I’ll help you too. Come on!”

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