Black Sheep

She was walking back to her car with her groceries when she saw it. At first, she thought it was a parking ticket, and annoyed, went to take it off of her car and proudly tell off the cop that she had only been in the parking lot for 20 minutes. She snatched it off of the windshield and to her utter shock, read,

"I know your secret."

She gasped, and almost dropped her bag of food. Quickly crumpling up the note, she got into her car and looked around the parking lot. It had been years since she had even come close to acknowledging her past, and she was finally living a normal life. Scanning the parking lot, she tried to figure out who could know who she was, and what she did.

A gangly teenager buying energy drinks and holding a skateboard.

A mother with two toddlers holding three huge bags of groceries.

A middle-aged construction worker who seemed to be on a lunch break buying a sandwich.

An elderly woman sitting outside, reading a magazine, and smoking a cigarette.

One of these four people knew who she was, knew the dirty business her family had done for years. Her parents, and all of their extended family worked in "sanitation," and she was the only one who had escaped their mob life. She instantly rubbed her arm, looking at the long scar. A knife fight, the last time she had ever helped her family. There was no way anyone knew who she was here, she left when she was 16, 8 years ago, bleached her hair, grew it out, and changed her name from Maria to Jess.

She pulled out of the parking lot, hoping that whoever wrote the note was pranking her, or maybe put it on the wrong car. She went home to her boyfriend, made dinner, and watched a movie, but still, the note lingered in her mind.

The old woman watched her drive away, writing down her license plate number on a slip of paper.

"I'm coming for you Maria."

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