You can feel someone watching you, but you can't see them anywhere.
Describe this feeling in less than 500 words, using vivid and visceral language to make your reader connect with the character being watched.
I trembled nervously, trying to ignore the underlying feeling that someone, somewhere out there… was watching me. Even with this terrifying feeling, I had no evidence that anyone was watching me, but… I just knew, deep down, that someone was definitely watching me, closely, carefully. I HATED this feeling. It made me sick to my stomach. I mean, who on Earth would ever want to feel like they were being watched this closely? Certainly not me. I increased my pace, walking faster and faster until I arrived at my house. I closed the door behind me and locked it, though I still felt like there was someone nearby, watching me… an unwelcome visitor. This feeling only got worse the father I went into my own home. _Why? Why me? Why here, in my home? What did I do to deserve this?_ I wondered, shaking even more, my chest tightening to the point where I literally could not breathe. I collapsed to the ground, my heartbeat growing more and more unsteady, my breathing ragged. I thought I was going to die from all the panic and pain. _Maybe if I die, I’ll feel better… the feeling… it would disappear._ I thought, trying to laugh through the pain of dying. Then, everything went black, but the feeling remained. Even in my final moments, I knew…… I was being watched.