
I'd been admired by my friends as an adventurous soul. I loved to do anything that invoked fear. Anything to get the adrenaline pumping through my blood. Today, it was dying. No, not on purpose obviously. But my days of chasing thrills was coming to an end and unfortunately that included the love of my life. I had originally planned that by the time we were near the ground, she'll see a huge sign reading, “Aimee, will you marry me?” Sadly that will be the last thing we see. My friends and coworkers who graciously agreed to be apart of my proposal will probably need years of therapy for what they'll witness.

I felt a new level of fear and excitement as I saw our beloved Earth from above. I was at peace seeing his small I was in this exquisite blue planner. In less than five minutes, I'll be facing the inevitable. I've cheated Death many times— tip toeing on ledges of skyscrapers, nearly freezing on Mt. Everest, or doing parkour stunts through the bustling city of New York. But Death finally has his hands on me. I can't escape this time. I wish I never brought Aimee here. I should have proposed normally like a ring in the champagne at dinner. 

“Justina... snap out of it!” Her voice was calm despite the circumstances.

“I— I'm sorry babe... This is all my fault.”

“Look, you couldn't have known the parachutes would fail. You've done this a million of times.” Her cold hands reached out for mine. “I love you.”

Justina believed it was the end and she was content with the idea. What was more poetic than dying with the woman she loved? She closed her eyes. They were seconds away from the ground when Aimee cried out, “Yes! I will!” Looking down, Justina notices the very same people helping with the proposal, would be the same ones to save them.

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