Writing Prompt
Submitted by Arnold Carroway
Write a scene that takes place in mid air.
It could be from anyone, or anything's, perspective.
When Icarus fell On his wings of wax Did he sob and weep? No, he threw his head back. His laugh filled the air The joy in his heart His smile so bright He was willing to part With the world he had known So cruel and so dark In these moments of freedom He sang like a lark The pain he ignored Just for this once He let himself grin Though all called him dunce They looked on in shock In horror and fear Then they would mock his bravery, and sneer “That boy is too wild, To hopeful and free He is only a child He should learn not to be So selfish and stupid So free willed and dumb Who is his father? What has he done?” But Icarus flew If only for a moment He touched the sky And sank into the ocean He laughed all the way Through the pain and the doubt He regretted it none And loved how he felt So selfish and stupid So free willed and dumb He ignored all the guilt All the comments and sneers As he flew to the sun He had nothing to fear Though it melted his wings And burned at his skin He’d tasted the freedom He’d flown in the wind And then down he fell While the others looked on He smiled all the way And proved them all wrong He flew on his wings And threw his head back He cackled with joy And that was the last They heard of brave Icarus The selfish and stupid The free willed and dumb
They all told the story Of the boy with wax wings They said to be wary Of what ambition brings They said it was wrong How Icarus flew But try for yourself You may like it too.
“Slow down, you madman!” I yell, gusts of wind drowning out my voice. My arms are wrapped around Conall’s waist in a vice grip as he swerves and barrel rolls and soars through the air like some kind of rabid eagle, the speckles of white in his brown-feathered wings reflecting the sun’s rays like fresh snow—a rare occurrence in my Kingdom, snow. Too warm and humid. But the Spring Kingdom is not missing out on much; we can see the endless blizzard of the Winter Kingdom from our vantage points quite easily. “Little Princess can’t bear to have some fun?” He chuckles. He chuckles. This—this…sadistic piece of bird shit! He calles this fun? I ought to execute him myself if I’m still alive after we land. If we land. “I’m going to puke.” I groan, my breath hitching and my heart skipping multiple beats as he quickly changes directions through the forested mountains. “Don’t do it on me.” He swerves right, “Or I’ll drop you.” Conall barrel rolls through an opening in the canopy, shooting upwards before ceasing the flapping of his wings, falling down to the ground headfirst with me tightly holding onto his torso. I only close my eyes, bracing for impact, but it never happens. For a moment, I believe that I’ve already died, quickly and painlessly. But when I open my eyes, I see Conall, smirking like a childish fool, hovering on the ground. I slap his chest. Hard. But he only laughs, feigning injury. “You were trying to kill me! I’d have less than a mind to not charge you for treas—“ He puts a finger to my lips, sage eyes glimmering with content. Or contempt. Either way, I am more than enraged. “But I didn’t send you to the Otherworld.” He pulls his hand away from my face, “Only scared you half to it.” He shrugs, dropping our forms gently to the soil. “The concept is the same, you feral sparrow.” “Feral sparrow? Your insults are getting better.” “They were always this good!” I snap, “You just weren’t worth my wit, before this…” I wave my hand, broadly referencing the flying we partook in, “…attempted murder.” He sighs, rolling his eyes and wrapping his biceps around my waist, scooping me up. “Hm. Whatever you say, your Majesty.” He presses a kiss to my forehead. “Let’s get you home before the King thinks we’ve eloped.” This bastard. I ought to marry him.
A/N: how do i start and end stuff w/o help- also titles r so hard this one feels so childish but i didnt know what else to put other than ‘untitled thingamajig” 💀 so if any of y’all have advice SPILL THAT STUFF DON’T GATEKEEP PLEASE 🙇♀️ also this is my first prompt writing thing so like pls don’t attack me 😭🙏 i’m scared of online ppl so this is taking a lot of courage and in my head it’s a whole world w lore n history n stuff that i haven’t fleshed out fully so if u don’t get smth chances are i don’t either 🤷♀️ and erm 🤓 pls be honest and lengthy w the critism bc if u don’t point out everything i’ve done wrong, a 15 page essay on a step by step procedure on how to fix it, and a kendrick lamar diss track (/j) i’ll lowk not know what to do 😛‼️
Adrian grew up high in the Italian alps, first and only daughter to two adventure loving mountaineers. She did not fancy climbing mountains as much. Neither did the mountains charm her as they charmed her parents, nor the idea of adventure itself. She grew up a shy kid, happier in the company of her books when indoors and mountain dogs when out. When probed by her parents or their mountaineering friends to join them, she would often say the books and the dogs gave her her own flavour of thrill though wrapped in tranquility. She did silently carry in her heart some latent desire for paragliding though. She fancied going paragliding with her dog on her 18th birthday. That would be her way of signalling to the world she is an adult and she can make her own choices. Tomorrow she turns 18. It is July, the weather is agreeable, and she has a slot booked with her favourite paragliding company in town. Something in her is pulling her away from it. She has been sitting in her library all afternoon with Lito, her 3 year old shepherd dog. She picks up the wooden frame on her desk- her parents dressed in their climbing gear, grinning wide, ready to start their hike. The last climb they would ever go on. She lost them last year to an unexpected landslide on a fine sunny day. Holding the frame next to her chest, she gets up and walks over to their bedroom, fiddles with some of their gear, and decides, silently, to skip the paragliding plan and go on a hike instead with Lito the next day. She puts on her mother’s climbing shoes, they feel one size shorter than hers. She smiles but carries them with her back to her bedroom. Lito follows her.
I wonder what it feels like to die.
The thought came to Raesh’s head as he continued to fall. They always said that your life flashed before your eyes whenever you were about to die, but all he saw was the blurred images of land and sky as he tumbled.
Most would scream or cry in Raesh’s position, but all he could do was laugh. How in the hell did I end up here?
A combination of selfish choices and damning mistakes would be the short and sufficient answer. But the true answer is much shorter and much simpler. He thought the world was a place he could bend to his will, filled with individuals he could outsmart and take advantage of. And he was right.
What he didn’t account for was the single most powerful force in all of the known worlds. A force that combats even the most detailed and thought-out plans. One that has redundancies for your redundancies and has no weakness other than itself.
He forgot about _Luck. _
That pesky, unfathomable force of luck. Wake up warm and well-fed. Good luck. Take a step on unsolid ground and lose a duel. Bad Luck. Open your rations to find a double portion. Good and bad luck depending on the ration.
Get pushed from a ship, thousands of feet in the air, by the woman you love. It had to be bad luck. Or could there be an even shorter and even simpler answer than luck? Of course there was. Raesh is an idiot.
He was the version of idiot who said whatever popped into his head and only gave thought to the consequences as they happened to him. Like minutes ago when he told this woman that he loved her.
It probably would have gone well if she hadn’t hated him and been trying to kill him for the last several months. No changing that now. She got her wish and sent Raesh down to his death which should be happening any time…
Raesh hit the ground as delicately as one could, which was not at all. Dust filled the air creating a massive cloud around the point of impact. As the dust settles there is a crater a few feet deep that reveals itself.
Raesh climbs out of the crater. See, Raesh is an immortal being, capable of withstanding the harshest of injuries. That detail alone is explanation enough as to why he could survive a fall from such a great height. But to him, the answer was much shorter and much simpler.
_Oh yeah, _He thought, _I forgot I was lucky. _
What to say, the sky looked as bright as it could ever be. Looking at the clouds down below, Frank knew that if time were to freeze — just as it felt in this very instant — he would never have to experience rain ever again. A comforting thought, if not the least useful one, given the circumstances. Looking up, he could see his one way flight to Hawaii steadily making its way to his favourite destination, minus one passenger.
What would you wish to be, my friend? A bird, a dove, a tree, my end. Too high to fly, the wind below. I wash my hopes, what tragic blows. As I fall, I pass you by. My friend, my hope, alas, goodbye.
I will not cling on my descent. The sun, so high, may boil my breast. I wish the storm will pass me by. My friend, how would I say goodbye? What should I leave on the shoreline? A bird, a dove, a tree, my life? Whatever would you wish, my friend. Whatever would you carry dear?
[to be completely honest, im just using this prompt as an excuse to post this]
The birds make it look so serene The breeze cascading off of their wings A majestic suspended dance Accompanied as they whistle and sing
Why now, though I soar just as high Perhaps safer than seagulls and crows For I am secured to my seat Does fear penetrate the airplane rows?
Clouds turn my stomach to sawdust Though I’d rather not look at the ground In the turbulant wind I envision Us burning to ash in a mound
Would that I were a bird flying south With instincts to do, not to die I can’t wait to be back on the earth I don’t think humans were meant to fly
Coffee breathe 2am flight Looking out the window Over ten thousand feet in air
The sour taste of freedom Eighteen years of Misery and death I hope you never miss me
Dark sky The brightest star in the sky “I wish I wish I wish” Please
Set me free I could be the bird Set me free But I’m the airplane
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