"If we get caught, we tell them the truth."

""But we agreed to lie!"

Write a scene where this exchange takes place.

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heavy breathing “if we get caught… we tell them the truth”

“But we agreed to lie” Tim agressively whispered.

“Tim we took it to far. We are literally hiding in a play house in someone backyard” i waved my hands around at the plastic walls of our shelter.

“And? Who cares dude we are almost home free. I say we hide out here for an hour and then casually walk out of here” Tim leaned back making himself comfortable.

“Great idea we will just casually walk back to my house while holding a knee high garden gnome” flourishing my hands at the gnome like he won a prize. “You do realize the police are going to keep driving around even if they give up in us. There is a reason we have a patrol” i sat back with a huff. I need to control my voice before we get in even more trouble. A little girls doll house is bound to get us caught by someone dad getting water. I cant help but glance at the windows every few minutes. Training my ears for the sound of a door opening.

“Bro you need to relax. This is classic Zak. You think its funny when we talk anout something and then bug out after we do it. You take all the fun out of a simple prank” Tim flicked me on the elbow in annoyance. He knows i hate that.

“Dude you know i like Heather and her Grandma made that for her 8th birthday. Shes had it for years” i spit at him in frustration.

Tim got up in a crouch sitting on his heels. “So are you wussing out or what cause you need to decide” tim said while staring me down.

Glancing at the windows again. I can feel my jaw clenching as i squeeze my fists. “Yep im out man, im putting it back.”

Shaking his head “fine man then ill catch you later” Tim started to walk out of the playset.

I put my arm up in the door. “Just like that you are going to leave me” i stared at him dumbfounded.

“Yea man im not risking putting that back. And chances are ill make it home while you get caught” pushing me out of the way Tim began to army crawl to the fence.

“Classic Tim” i say shaking my head. Alright im two blocks away from the house. The light at the end of her street is out. Theres an alley behind me with the light at the end so that will be tricky. I can either try and make it further to her alley and come up behind or use rhe cover of the light being out to run up to the front and drop it. I shale my teeth side to side trying to think. Jumping the fences is definitely going to get me caught but the police are definitely taking the alleyways.

Exahling a deep breath i make up my mind. The longer i wait the more scenarios i’ll come up with and just spiral. I’ll take the alley carefully and then sprint the two streets over. Then take my time sneaking to the house from the front. The grass is already wet as i crawl out of the play house. Slipping over the fence i drop into a crouch holding the gnome and make my way slowly down the alley. Theres a couple spots i can hide if need be. My breathing feels loud and i cant seem to find a quite spot to step. Rocks grind under my feet and occasionally breaks a small piece of glass. I suck at this. Only 3 houses left when i see a search light start to brighten as a car makes its way.

I dash up to some bushes at the second to last house. Sliding on the gravel and newrly dropping the gnome i crouch in the bush. I cant help but wonder if a spider or some bug will crawl on me, involuntary shivers run through my limbs. The car slowly makes its way down the alley. Rocks shoot from under the tires. I slide my hand over the reflective patch on my arm as i turn sideways. Shoving the gnome inside the jacket. My heart thrums in my ears. I wonder if the bush vibrates from its pulses. The car slides by me as it rolls down the alley. Taking its time as it enters the middle of they alley where its darkest. First obstacle down.

Just as the car is about to leave the alley i can hear the radio. “One kid spotted hopping fences 4 blocks over. Need coverage” the cops speed off. Oh Tim you were never patient enough when being chased but i bet the streets clear. I make a dash under the street light and across the street. Not slowing down i round the corner to Heathers street. Its quiet for the most part. Her houses lights are on but i cant see anyone in the windows. Takinf a deep breath i can see the neighbors dont have their lights on and no cars in the drive. If i make a sprint to their bushes i can rest there and then slide over to Heather for the drop.

Heart still pounding in my ears i make to run but my foot slides out from under me. Rolling onto my back to protect the gnome i sprint in a three point stance to get my feet under me. All i can think about is making it to the bushes. Im starting to ger a headache from squeezing my teeth but theres a better gap between the bush and the house. Its a good resting spot and i can see the window in front of where the gnome goes. What if Heather finds out it was me? What if Tim gets caught and he rats me out. Rubbing my face my hands are covered in sweat. I can feel my eyes burning and my lips taste salty.

Why do i keep letting Tim talk me in to stupid stuff like this. Deep breath after deep breath i cant shake the thoughts that this is going to end bad. She doesnt deserve this. Maybe i should go knock and tell her. I punch the side of the house in frustration. It would be a beautiful night if i hadnt been so dumb. Its a bit chilly now that i think about it and the stars are out. Would have been a nice night to ask her to take a walk. Crouching down i put my face in my hands as if hiding there could cure my problem. I swear if i get out of this im done with the pranks.

My breath tickles my eyelashes and i can feel myself calming down. The gnome isnt broken and ill have it back there in less than a minute. No one saw my face so me walking home alone isnt weird. With a glance at the window i get ready. Quick sprint and set it under the tree then book it back to the burnt out street light. Simple. Deep breath and a last glance at the window. The leaves shake as i shoot from my hole. Its less than 20 yards to the tree. The mulch crunches under my feet as i slam the gnome down and take back off. I hear him fall over from my quick turn but its back now. The wind is cool on my face as i run around the corner and stop.

Heart is back in my ears but i creep back to see if anyone has noticed. The thudding is slow loud as i stare at Heathers but all is normal. Sighing i turn around and start walking. Its a long walk but i need time to think. My legs feel heavy now but the tightness is gone from my chest and my jaw is slack. Steam rises from my mouth as i hang my head back and stare at the stars while i walk. Walking like a half severed neck i cant help but laugh. What a dumb situation to get stuck in. Maybe i’ll try and write Heather a note and play dumb like i heard about it. Or maybe i should get mom to stop and get me a candy bar to say sorry on the way to school.

For how many stars are out there its crazy to think no one saw me. Maybe something is staring at me now and shaking their head knowing it was dumb. My breathing picks back up as i wonder if Heather was watching from her room. I didnt even think think to look up.

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