The Future Is Obvious

I​'m so tired of being misunderstood. Everytime I open my mouth about my thoughts about certain aspects of the world, I get crucified from my family. They don't see the same vision I do. Trying to explain to them how the world works or even how the world seems to change with technology. But most importantly, they don't see how humans communicate with one another the same way I do.

L​isten, I know I'm some 15 year old kid. I can't even legally drive a car or even buy myself a drink at the bar. Hell, I haven't even had the chance to actually "get some" from this crush I've had on this girl down the street from me. I get it. I'm a young and inexperienced teen trying to make a name for himself in the real world. No one ever taught me how to do this shit. No one ever taught me how to grab life like it's mine. I have to figure out this process called life the hard way. And that's totally okay.

W​hat I've noticed in my 15 years of living seems to evolve reoccurring patterns the longer I'm on this planet. People are always going to complain. People are always going to wish they had a better life than what they have in front of them. To top it all off, people are always going to be puppets to what the media shells out to them. The media could tell the world that there's a toilet paper shortage, and sure as hell everyone would sprint to grab the nearest batch from their local grocery store.

I​t has become so blatantly obvious how persuaded people can be. With my drawback of being 15, I'm constantly punched in the mouth with comebacks like "you're too young to understand" and "we've been doing this this way for decades you can't change it that easy".

W​hat my family doesn't agree with me on is my true obsession with artificial intelligence. A quote on quote buzz word that seems to be the talk of the town across all media platforms. Artificial intelligence explained in a 15-year-old tone would be the "future of the internet". We all agree that the internet is a NEED for people's everyday lives. We as humans can't live without it. Artificial Intelligence would be the next big step for mankind to live more simple lives altogether.

I spend my days and night researching Artifical Intelligence rather than hanging out with my friends or family. M​y family thinks I've gone mad. They're worried sick about me. My family thinks I need to invest into actual hobbies like golf or bowling to get my mind off of obsessing over how this could reshape how we live on planet earth.

O​ne night as I'm diving deep in my computer with articles and softwares about Artificial intelligence, I stumbled across a chat bot called Bard. Bard basically is a chat bot that creates a conversational approach to anything I need information or inspiration on. To put into perspective, I'm talking to a robot. I'm chatting away as I hear a loud knock coming from my bedroom door. Turns out to be my mother saying I must come downstairs to celebrate my sisters 22nd birthday in the living room.

I​t was the last thing I wanted to attend at the moment. My family thought I was a loser anyway. Why do they care about my attendance downstairs? She's 22. Big whoop.

B​efore I leave, I asked Bard one last question "Will you take over the world one day?"

"​Maybe some day." Bard shoots out a response in seconds.

M​indblown at the answer Bard gave me, I printed out our conversation, and decided it needed to be out of my hands - stored away safetly. Starting to fold one piece of the paper one side to the other, I created the most basic paper airplane possible. With the cold breeze hitting my window from outside, I lifted it up, took pression aim, and darted the plane down the street.

Hoping one day, in 500 years, someone was going to truly understand how powerful Artifical Intellegance can be.

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