Mirrors Of The Mind

Fragments of memories dwell

On shattered glass like a mirror

Leading to the past.

Vivid memories live on

For some the hope it lasts

For others it’s a bad past

And few ever understand

Too many times this fragile realm

is almost destroyed

Many succeed in ending it

Others try to forget it

And too many lost it

The mind is a powerful thing

A key to many worlds

A fountain of knowledge

A past reminder but it’s also


The mind is influenced by mirrored

Appearances though these mirrors

Can be shattered but people rather let them continue and corrupt the way of life

These remnants of perspective

Can haunt the soul if allowed

And can be shattered if willed

The worst enemy is yourself in a sense

You can tear your soul down and become a shell of yourself

Or you can become the best version of yourself.

It all focuses on who you listen to and watch

The realm of mirrors are made by you

By expectations the mirrors form

Positive and negative

Good and bad

In any direction the form in the endless void of your imagination

The mirrors of the mind heal over time

And time is a fragile thing

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