The Day Harriet Returned

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The day Harriet returned ruined my life. My evil twin sister steps foot back into the house that she almost burned down the last time she was here. Adrenaline is pumping my heart is thumping and my feet take off. My dad yells my name and tells to come back. It’s all white noise in the background now fight or flight and my feet chose for me. I will not deal with this I can’t deal with this. The horror that she put me through as a child and they brought her back? What were they thinking? I’m half a mile into the woods and I can’t breathe just running tripping over the brush. I have to stop... make my mind stop... I crash into the leaves. Falling hard down on my face blood dripping onto the leaves below. I cannot do this I will not go home. My face hurts but not as much as the flash backs that keep me moving away from her. I guess I’m on my own now. I’ve told my dad that I will not be a part of a family that has her in it. I need to go back and pack my shit. I don’t have to stay just get my stuff and go is what I keep telling myself as I head back to the house. I walk through the door muddy and bloody and she turn to look at me. Ice through my veins as she smiles and goes to speak. I cut her off and go to my room. I slam the door and start to pack my bags as my dad come in and tries to reason with me. I looked him with tears welling up in my eye and said “ how can you just welcome her home when she killed your son? MY BROTHER!” Did I forgot to mention we were once triplets? He said “ Sam she got help that’s why we sent her away she was always going to come back she didn’t mean to kill Ed it was an accident.” My eyes rolled as far as they could into the back of my head as I said “ she didn’t mean to?” Then he said “ your mom and I forgave her why can’t you” I looked at him and said “because I saw her light the match and throw it in his room. I saw what she did. Then she dragged me outside into the yard to watch him burn! As if that wasn’t enough she carved her name into my arm!” A scar I will bare forever. I gave him once last look and said “I will never forgive her or you for bringing her home.” I grabbed my stuff and left. I will never be apart of a family that except her as one of their own.

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