
A sailor once set out to sea,

His heart as free as it could be,

His ship was sturdy, his crew was strong,

He felt alive, he felt no wrong.

For days they sailed beneath the sun,

Their journey just had just begun,

But then dark clouds began to form,

A storm was coming in full swarm.

The winds howled strong, the waves grew tall,

The sailor's ship was tossed and mauled,

But still he fought, with every breath,

He battled through the storm and the death.

Days turned to weeks, weeks to months,

The sailor pushed forward, never lost trust,

His ship began to drift off course,

As he battled with nature’s force.

Until one day, he could not find,

A clear and visible road to unwind,

The sails were torn, the compass gone,

Lost in the fog, he trudged on.

Alone in the deep, he sailed at night,

Just stars to guide him in the light,

Holding to hope, he always dreamed,

To see once more, the land it seemed.

But alas, his fate was not to keep,

For he was bound by a promise he couldn't keep,

To return once more before he sleeps,

Lost in the fog, alone in the deep.

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