little does he know

I’m picking up his paper that fell out of his backpack. Little does he know that started it all—the innocent, soft brush of our hands. I’m holding the door open for everyone as they leave class. Little does he know my eyes are fixated on him as he walks through, a nod “thank you” and walks away. I let him borrow my calculator because his died and he has a physics quiz next block. Little does he know I dreamt about him typing me a little message as he gave it back the next day. I asked him how his math test went, and he said “fine,” not thinking anything of it. Little does he know how much I hoped he’d ace it, and wished I’d see that beautiful smile light up his face. I tell him how he’s a good singer and he laughs because he knows it. Little does he know how much I dream of that sweet, sweet voice. I talk to him after school as we wait for our rides. Little does he know of the spell he’s cast on me, making me fall oh so easily. Little does he know of how my mind forever lingers on him. Little does he know how much I want to know his heart.

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