That Thin Line Of Wanting

We all have felt it at one point in our lives

That thin line separating us from what we should do

And what we want to do

Like when your mother tells you not to eat cake

But then you see that she left it on the counter

And you have two choices

You either steel yourself

Or give into the temptation of the sugar

Which would you chose?

Temptation comes in all forms

Sexual, Physical, Emotional

Which one do you struggle with?

That thin line of wanting

Something that you know

You can’t have

It hurts you

It burns you

Only the strongest have resisted

Only the strongest have held themself from crossing

That ever so small line

I, myself am not strong

I am a weak, pitiful, small creature

Who clings to the things that make me happy

What side are you on?

On that thin line of wanting?

Either way, do you think your choice is the right one?

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