Homecoming Night

October fifth had finally arrived, my friends and I all gathered at my house to get ready for the Homecoming dance. We e were all happy to have date’s this year. All of my friends with the exception of Brian and Raquel had already attended the Edgewood homecoming the week priorbut were still excited to go to our own high schools homecoming and were talking about how it was their turn to “show their men off” as the boys had done to them. I remember that night for different reasons. Raquel, Brian, Draya and myself had all gathered at Brian’s house for pizza, wings and some romantic comedy movies on his parents big screen. We all had a good time together. Brian might have tried to pretend that he was not that into the movies but he still cried during ‘sleepless in Seattle’ and ‘as good as it gets’ and came close a few times during “the princess bride” and ‘overboard’ (the new version)so we all know that he’s a big softie. Now we were all gathered at my house even the boys who were in the living room and were talking about the school football games. All of them are in tuxedos. My friends and I are in my room doing each others hair and make up. The only one who wasn’t there yet was Draya who would be showing up later with a limo for all of us. My friends were of course excited about this. Draya has also paid for my Dress which was an off the shoulder navy blue dress but the top part was covered in silver beads which spread out as it got closer to the skirt of the dress which was long and full. My shoes are silver sparkly ballet flats with a pretty white bow on top of them. My hair was falling down my back in soft curls half of it was pulled back into a ponytail and secured with a silver clip in the shape of a rose. I knew that by the end of the night the curls would most likely be reduced to waves but I didn’t care. I didn’t know why but my hair never could hold a curl. The only time it had was once in the fifth grade when my grandmother had wrapped it tightly around strips of cotton over night and even blow dried it a little in the morning on a low setting just to be sure it was all dried and when she took the strips of cotton out my hair hung in all little ringlets. My mom said I looked like a brown haired version of Nelly Olsen from little house on the prairie but I liked it. Some of the boys made fun of me but my friends stood up for me and said it looked nice. But by the next morning the curls were gone. Anyway for now it was staying curly and I didn’t have a problem if it didn’t stay that way all night it was the least of my worries. Raquel was sitting on my bed in a crimson dress the top was lace like fabric in a rose pattern and tiny rhinestones in the center of each rose her hair hanging in cornrow braids colorful beads hanging from the ends. Hallie was sitting next to her in a bottle green dress which brings out the color of her eyes her red curls framing her face. Kelsey in her lilac purple dress had taken over my vanity to do her makeup leaving my bathroom mirror the only one available for Tracy who was rocking a baby blue strapless dress. I knew that if Richey regretted dumping her last year he was really going to regret it this year when she walks in on the arm of Jeff who may not have as much money as Richie but was rich in many other ways. He was better looking and smarter, funnier and all around better person than Richie could ever hope to be and Tracy had only seemed to grow more beautiful each year; but I am biased. I believe there were few that would argue we were going to be the bells of the ball tonight and we were all going to be on the arm of our own Prince Charming’s. Well my friends will I will be on the arm of an angel my angel.

“Damn it!” I heard Tracy curse from my bathroom.

I go over to my open bathroom door “What’s wrong?” I asked Tracy.

“One of my bobby pins fell out.” she said holding up the bobby pin in question and there was a long lock of blonde hair towards the back of her head hanging down from her updo.

I walk into the room and take the bobby pin from her “I’ll fix it.” I said moving the lock of hair back into place and securing it with the bobby pin. “There see crisis averted.” I said with a smile.

“What would I do without you Sarah?” Tracy asked.

“You weren’t originally going to go to the beach on the fourth; you wanted to go to Monona terrace. I was the deciding vote for the beach had I not you never would have met Jeff and would probably be spending tonight under the hood of a car.”

“You’re probably right.” she said with a smile and a laugh. I laugh too.

Then my phone pinged alerting me to a text.

{I will be there in five minutes be waiting downstairs}

“Ok everyone finish up your makeup and everything now; Draya says she will be here with the limo soon and wants us waiting downstairs.” I announced.

Tracy and Kelsey both quickly put the finishing touches to their makeup on and we all descended downstairs where the boys were waiting with corsages for their date. It wasn’t long before the door bell rang and my mother answered. There stood my Draya, she was wearing a gold sequined top with black pinstripes and long black pants with a black belt that had a round gold ring clasp that connected it and a gold sequined jacket. Pined to the lapel was a boutonniere comprised of a royal blue rosé made of silk. She held an identical one in her hands.

“Wow.” I said as she stepped into the house.

“You look breathtaking as well my darling; exactly like the princess you are.” she said coming to stand beside me and placing the corsage on my wrist.

“Okay before you go let’s get some pictures.” My mother said camera in hand, my dad stood beside her and had the video camera already rolling. I just knew they would find some way to embarrass me.

“First let’s get a picture of just the girls; Draya and Sarah in the middle.” my mom said snapping a couple of pictures.

“Okay now let’s get everybody.” my mom said jestering for the boys to join us and they took their positions next to their date.

“Ok now how about just the boys.” my friends Draya and I retreated out of frame as my mom snapped the pictures.

“Now let’s get some couples portraits; first we’ll do Sarah and Draya, then Hallie and Forest, then Tracy and Jeff, then Raquel and Brian, and last but not least Kelsey and Phil.”

Finally all the picture taking was done and we made our way out to the limo and even started partying and little early because the song man I feel like a woman came on and my friends and I couldn’t help but sing along to it. We went out to dinner first at Olive Garden. Brian tried to convince Raquel to do a reenactment of the lady and the tramp spaghetti noodle kiss scene.

“No way we’re not 13 anymore and we are in public.”

“Oh come on baby it’s a classic.” Brian begged

“No, I refuse to be so immature tonight of all nights; although at the after party I might be willing to reenact any scene from the princess and the frog you like.”

“Am I your Prince Naveen?” Brian asked flirtatiously

“As long as I am your Tiana.” Raquel replied with a fake southern accent and sultry tone.

“Just keep things PG for all our sakes.” said Kelsey.

“It’s a Disney movie how bad could it get?…Actually don’t answer that I don’t think I want to know.” I said.

After dinner the limo took us to the school and we made our way to the gym which was emitting loud music and flashing lights. My friends were on the dance floor almost instantly. I as usual gravitated to the side lines.

“I do hope you don’t plan on spending the majority of the dance standing by the wall Darling.” Draya said to me.

“Just give me five songs worth to work up the nerve to join the masses.” I replied.

After three songs my friends fallowed by their boyfriends were running over to me “Sarah do you see what Nicole is wearing?” Hallie said her voice taking on the tone it did when she had a juicy piece of gossip.

“No I didn’t.” I said.

“Well take a look she’s right over there.” Tracy said pointing. I look in that direction and see her; she is on the arm of Richie who was in a baby blue tux that did nothing for his looks but Nicole was in a teal criss cross high slit velvet gown with matching elbow length gloves. I swear if the slit were any higher you would be able to see her crotch and I don’t know if it were possible to show more cleavage. God, could the girl be any sluttier?

I was wondering how she was getting away with wearing that dress and not being asked to leave but then I saw why. Her mother was one of the chaperones and her dress was possibly worse; it was red and glittery the skirt was very short I mean she could have worn a tutu and it wouldn’t make much difference and the top looked ok from the front but it was held up by just a few criss crossing thin straps in the back. No mother should wear a dress like that; especially to a high school dance.

“Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” said Kelsey.

“Some women just shouldn’t have babies.” said Raquel .

“Her ears must be burning because she’s coming this way.” I said.

Nicole indeed was making her way towards us, we were all already glaring at her.

“Honesty Richie, hooking up with Nasty Nicki? I thought you had more brains and class than that.” Tracy said.

“And what would Trailer Trash Tracy know about class?” Richie said.

Tracy went red with anger but before she could respond Jeff stepped in “I happen to think she is one of the classiest people I know not to mention beautiful and intelligent, I can not fathom how anyone could let go of a gem like her.”

“Whatever… as you can see I have a treasure of my own.” Richie said putting a possessive arm around Nicole’s waist.

“For now; she’ll be with a new guy by next week.” said Kelsey then high-fives Tracy.

“Don’t you know that it’s a sin to sleep around?” Said Phil.

”Oh spare me, bible thumpers.” sneered Nicole.

“Watch out boy she’ll chew you up, she’s a man eater!” Brian warned mockingly.

“I am willing to bet she is worse than that.” Draya commented.

“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“I know your type even dated one once however she was prettier than you, but the point is you’re no good. You’re like the first slice of bread in the bag, everyone touches you but no one wants you.”

“You bitch you can’t talk to me like that!”

“Really because I believe I just did.”

“How dare you?! I am not someone to be under estimated I should teach you a lesson you would never forget!”

“Are you seriously challenging me? And I would think very carefully about your answer if I were you.”

“Well normally I would but…this is a very expensive gown and I wouldn’t want to get blood on it.”

“Wise decision, but for the record it would have been your blood spilt tonight not mine.”

“Is that a threat?”

“No just a fact.”

At that point Nicole rounded on me “Your girlfriend is a real piece of work you know that?”

“Yes and she is magnificent.” I said smiling at Draya adoringly.

“Please, as if!” Nicole scoffed before storming away.

My friends and I laughed as she went.

Then the DJ played the Cha cha slide and I could not resist but to get on the dance floor for that. It is one of the most fun songs and you need no skill to dance to it. After the cha cha slide was done I stayed on the dance floor for at least 10 more songs; all fast songs. I mostly did it because I know Draya wanted to dance with me; fast or slow I don’t think it really matted to her. I was about ready to take a break when the DJ got on the mic and said “Okay I’m gonna slow things down and let you kids catch your breath. Now guys and gals you are going to want to grab that someone special for this next one.” and then the song that played was Eternal flame by the bangles. As I swayed to the music with Draya and listened to the lyrics they might as well have been singing about us; the lyrics matched our relationship so perfectly then I looked into my angels eyes and somehow it was then that I knew it had to be tonight. I had to tell her I loved her; if I didn’t then I would always find excuses and reasons not to tell her and then one day she would be gone and it would be to late and I would regret it for the rest of my life. So tonight I was going to tell Draya Royal that I love her.

THE END to be continued in story titled The After Party

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