Some Call Me Anxiety..

It’s turning into obsession

It lurks beyond the shadows

Play again,

Burn the photo

Forget last time

Give me one more chance

Come on you love me!

You love it when I want to take all of you.

Why have you gone cold?

My dear your shivering?

Rely on me

Lean on me for rest

I’m not turning you into a mess

Your being dramatic!

Yes, so what if you sinned?

Oh you just realized?

Yes you sinned,

Of course it’s not my fault!

Don’t blame me for your incompetence..

Oh your terrified!

Don’t be shy


Scream for me,

Even if you don’t

I’ll lurk as a shadow

In the back of your mind

Waiting for you to miss a step

And when I catch you

I will make you spin

I’m the shadow that makes you anxious

That makes you panic

I’m that feeling that makes you choose the grave mistakes

“My your so stupid”

“Your easy to read”

In fact you’ll end up just like me.

Lurking in the shadows.

At any moment

You will end end up just like me.

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