
Write a poem, with a set structure, which centres around the theme of confession.

A Lone Flying Crow

I have a confession to make

I am a lone flying crow

My home is in the gallow

I make peace with my friend, sorrow

With bones of hollow

I fly solo

No murder to follow

So here I go

I fly high as I can With the world below

I am one with the fallow

I am one with death

So don’t follow

I only take your time, that’s only borrowed. My heart you asked of, is with a merrow

I’m not worth the trouble

I am peace with solace of isolation

I only bring uncertainty sorrow

I’d rather be with a scarecrow

To scare myself off into the depths of my shadow

Sorry to mess with your alter-ego

To fall for me I am a meaningless crow

So now, you know

I am a lone flying crow.

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