"I saw what you did last night. And I've told everyone."
Begin a story with this sentence. Create tension and excitement surrounding what the event could be and the repurcussions for your character.
Dead Weight
“I saw what you did last night. And I’ve told everyone.” That’s what I’ll tell him. It sounds intimidating enough to spook someone as young as him.
He’s got a lot of nerve being so reckless in this neck of the woods. He must have been born just yesterday to be this foolish among humans.
I can’t risk him exposing not just myself but our whole species. We’ve gone this long without being discovered. We can’t let a foolish kid like him ruin centuries of anonymity.
I saw him attack that woman and drain her of her blood in the early morning hour. There’s no denying the fact that he’s a young foolish vampire with no sense of direction. I could have helped him adjust to this world. But too bad for him, it’s either him or me. And quite frankly I’m not willing to leave this delicious little town.
So I’ll do what I do best, get rid of the dead weight. I’ll scare him away by revealing I know what he is and then I’ll strike. This sort of thing is frowned upon among us vampires but it needs to be done. This isn’t my first rodeo. Lucky for him I’m starving.