rice pudding
swimming cap
Write a story where your protagonist is asked to leave a class because of these objects. All three must be in some way involved in their misbehaviour
British School’s
“Miss Sullivan!” Called out the old, boring English teacher.
“What, Sir?” Replied Constance Sullivan. Her face was stuffed with her favourite food, rice pudding.
“Put that bloody rice down and sort your tie out. It’s all over the place-“
“A bit like your eyebrows, sir,” she reached into her back pack and pulled out some tweezers. “You ever seen these before?” She called out. She lifted the tweezers into the air for the whole class to see. Amused by the blonde girls antics, the class erupted into laughter.
“I’m warning you, Sullivan.” He pointed his sausage like finger at her face. “Anymore nonsense and you’ll be having your rice pudding in the head teachers office.”
“A first date with Mr Rooney? Oh lucky me,” she cracked. The class chuckled yet again and soon the lesson continued as the English teacher, Mr Letterman, had planned.
That was until his false hair began to slowly peel from his scalp. No one had noticed at first, they were too busy taking notes for their up-coming assignment. The as the lesson progressed it became more and more evident. Until eventually it ended up falling into the poor man’s cup of tea. It landed with a plop and a soggy splash. Needless to say, no one expected it.
“Bloody hell, Letterman! I think your wig just won the worlds best diver award!” Yelled Yasmin.
“Yeah, what a dick head!” Boomed Boris.
“It’s alright, sir! I have something else you can borrow!” At that moment Constance Sullivan, yet again, reached into her bag. Then slowly pulled out her swimming cap.
“See, Sir! I can’t tell the difference!”